Browserify not working with module.exports, even with --standalone option

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-01-07 02:49:38


I have the following JS file:


"use strict";

const MarketingPolicy = {
   Subscriptions: {
      // Some properties here.
   Campaigns: [
      // Some objects here.

const otherObject = {
   // Some properties here.

module.exports = {

This works in Node.js:

const common = require("./common.js");
const policy = common.MarketingPolicy; // No error.

But when exporting it to common.bundle.js with Browserify, none of the objects is accessible at the client-side (undefined), even with the --standalone option:

None of the following is working:

browserify functions/middleware/common.js | uglifyjs >  store/public/app/scripts/common.bundle.js
browserify functions/middleware/common.js > store/public/app/scripts/common.bundle.js
browserify functions/middleware/common.js --s common > store/public/app/scripts/common.bundle.js
browserify functions/middleware/common.js --standalone common > store/public/app/scripts/common.bundle.js

How did I test it at client-side?

In app.html:

<script src="/app/scripts/common.bundle.js"></script>
<script src="/app/scripts/app.js"></script>

In app.js:

const policy = MarketingPolicy; // undefined
const policy = common.MarketingPolicy; // common is undefined.

Use global?

When I use global in my common.js, the properties in the MarketingPolicy object no longer accessible at both server and client-side:

global.MarketingPolicy = {
   Subscriptions: {
      // Some properties here.
   Campaigns: [
      // Some objects here.

module.exports = {
   MarketingPolicy: this.MarketingPolicy

In Node.js:

const common = require("./common.js");
const subscriptions = common.MarketingPolicy.Subscriptions; // Subscriptions is undefined.

This problem took me whole day to troubleshoot and research without making my common.js works for both ends. Trust me, I even put all my objects in one single module.exports and still not working. I saw many people mark the --standalone option as answer on many other posts -- Have I missed something else in my codes? Hope someone can point it out to me. Thank you so much in advance!

