The question is still relevant!
In my task, json comes to my input, which I do not know in advance. I need to collect all json field types into "types" and return all values using reader.outputLines
. Now the list of json field types is formed like this:
def types = list.find (). Values () *. GetClass () *. SimpleName
But I am faced with a problem when the same field in the first json block is null, and in the second the integer and the type is defined as null, and not as Integer.
- How to make sure that the type is determined by going through all the json blocks for each field, and not making an output based on the first block, and if everything is null or "" (empty), assign the default String?
- When returning values from json using
, replace null with "" (empty)?
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import ru.itrpro.xm.plugins.groovy.ResultSetReader;
class XM_PARSE_XLS {
def execute(ResultSetReader reader, String pfile) {
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def list = jsonSlurper.parseText pfile
List names = list.inject( new LinkedHashSet<>() ){ res, map ->
res.addAll map.keySet()
def types = list.find().values()*.getClass()*.simpleName
//formation of the dataset header
list.each{ e ->
reader.outputLines names.collect{ e[ it ] }
//println names.collect{ e[ it ] }
//closing dataset
return null;
static void main(String... args) {
String pfile = """
def SSC = new XM_PARSE_XLS()
def res = SSC.execute(new ResultSetReader(), pfile)
I'd suggest the following strategy: Iterate as long over the rows until
you know each type or you reach some sort of end (depending on the
amount of rows, you might want to just look in all rows or just give up
after N rows). For each row try to determine the type and keep book of
the type, but only "promote" from null
to the type in your bookkeeping.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic
def data = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText("""
[{"AUTO":"bmw", "HOME":null, "JOB":""},
{"AUTO":"audi", "HOME":135, "JOB":null},
{"AUTO":"opel1", "HOME":10, "JOB":null}]
def types = [:]
def it = data.iterator() // or only take(10) e.g.
while (it.hasNext() && !(types && types.every{ _, v -> v })) {
it.next().collectEntries{ k, v ->
[k, v?.getClass()?.simpleName]
}.inject(types, { m, entry ->
if (entry.value!=null || !m.containsKey(entry.key)) {
m[entry.key] = entry.value
return m
// if there are types missing (values with null), replace them here with
// your default)
println types
// → [AUTO:String, JOB:String, HOME:Integer]