Does Devel::Peek exist as a standalone Perl module?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-01-05 07:04:49


I have a clean install of perl 5.26.3, and I am trying to install Dancer2.

Dancer2 depends on App::Cmd::Setup, which depends on Getopt::Long::Descriptive, which depends on Params::Validate, which depends on Devel::Peek.

Looking at Devel::Peek on MetaCPAN, it is part of the perl 5.30.2 distribution, and I can not find the Devel::Peek package by itself. The "Jump to version" list on the Devel::Peek page lists previous version of perl, not of Devel::Peek.

Installing Dancer2 on perl 5.26.3 apparently has a hard, transitive dependency of installing perl 5.30.2, but I do not have the authority -- nor any desire -- to update the perl installation.

Is there a version of Devel::Peek available by itself?

Thank you.


It looks like I have a broken perl installation. I have no Data/ anywhere on the filesystem. When I try to use Devel::Peek, I am told Can't locate Devel/ in @INC.

I'll install from scratch and start over.

Thank you.


No. It's only available as part of Perl. It's has been part of Perl since 5.6 in 2000.


You should be able to fix it with the installation of

yum perl-Devel-Peek

