I would like to use DT to allow the users to modify a dataset. However, when the factor cols change (by adding or removing a factor level) the corresponding table filter remains unchanged. In the following example: if I change a Species, the new Species does not appear in the filter dropdown list. Is there a workaround? Many thanks!
iris2=iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% filter(Petal.Length==max(Petal.Length))
ui <- fluidPage(
fluidRow(column(12, DTOutput("table"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$table <- renderDT({
DT::datatable(iris2, filter = "top", editable=T)
shinyApp(ui, server)
You have to feed the changes back into the DT data to get the filters to update. I did this by creating a changeable reactiveVal that DT reads. The next step is to watch for changes to your table and push those changes to the reactiveVal. It's a bit trickier for a factor because you may have to add a new factor level to the column. Another catch is that the edited value may not conform to the original class, so you can force it to match.
iris2=iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% filter(Petal.Length==max(Petal.Length))
ui <- fluidPage(
fluidRow(column(12, DTOutput("table")))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
iris_rv <- reactiveVal(iris2) # keep live iris2 table in this reactiveVal
output$table <- renderDT({
DT::datatable(iris_rv(), filter = "top", editable=T)
observeEvent(input$table_cell_edit, { # watch for edits
iris_tmp <- iris_rv() # transfer to simple variable for easier access
old_val <- iris_tmp[input$table_cell_edit$row,input$table_cell_edit$col] %>% unlist()
new_val <- input$table_cell_edit$value
if (class(old_val) == "factor") { # deal with new factor levels
old_col <- iris_tmp %>% pull(input$table_cell_edit$col)
new_col <- factor(old_col, levels = union(levels(old_col), new_val))
iris_tmp[,input$table_cell_edit$col] <- new_col
} else { # otherwise simply force new value to correct class
class(new_val) <- class(old_val)
iris_tmp[input$table_cell_edit$row,input$table_cell_edit$col] <- new_val
iris_rv(iris_tmp) # overwrite iris_rv with updated values
shinyApp(ui, server)
Using reactiveValues
to get the DT
to update on change and I used validate to make sure that numbers are correctly provided, clean
is where the magic happens, it checks if the column is a factor
if so check if the value is a level then if not add it.
iris2 = iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% filter(Petal.Length==max(Petal.Length))
# get the classes of the columns
types <- sapply(iris2, class)
ui <- fluidPage(
fluidRow(column(12, DTOutput("table"))
types <- sapply(iris2, class)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
proxy <- DT::dataTableProxy('table')
RV <- reactiveValues(data = iris2)
output$table = DT::renderDT({
}, filter = "top", editable=T)
observeEvent(input$table_cell_edit, {
need(check_coercibility(input$table_cell_edit$value, types[input$table_cell_edit$col]), "Please enter valid data")
RV$data <- clean(RV$data, input$table_cell_edit$value, input$table_cell_edit$row, input$table_cell_edit$col)
}, ignoreInit = TRUE)
check_coercibility <- function(x, type){
if(type == "numeric") {
} else T
clean <- function(df, x, nrow, ncol, type=types[[ncol]]){
col <- df[[ncol]]
df[nrow, ncol] <- if(type=="factor"){
if(! x %in% levels(col)) df[[ncol]] <- factor( col, levels=c(levels(col), x))
} else if(type=="numeric"){
} else if(type=="logical"){
} else x
shinyApp(ui, server)