How do I escape double backslashes for MathJax?

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-12-29 07:38:05


I make MathJax work with WordPress by adding the following code to footer.php. It works for simple math symbols and equations.

<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
    tex2jax: {
        inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
            processEscapes: true

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

But it doesn't work for the equations with multiline, such as,

It is rendered as one line as shown below.

This is caused by rendering \\ as \ by default in WordPress or markdown editor. One possible solution is to turn all \\ within $$...$$ into \\\\.

I expect I can use \\ as a line break directly. It works on StackEdit, but I don't know how, probably escaping \\ for MathJax.

Here is the source code. (I use markdown editor.)

PR(p_1) \\
PR(p_2) \\
\vdots \\
\end{bmatrix} =
{(1-d)/ N} \\
{(1-d) / N} \\
\vdots \\
{(1-d) / N}
+ d
\ell(p_1,p_1) & \ell(p_1,p_2) & \cdots & \ell(p_1,p_N) \\
\ell(p_2,p_1) & \ddots &  & \vdots \\
\vdots & & \ell(p_i,p_j) & \\
\ell(p_N,p_1) & \cdots & & \ell(p_N,p_N)
PR(p_1) \\
PR(p_2) \\
\vdots \\


\ is an escape character commonly used across many programming languages.

Example: In C languages \n indicates a line break. Here the n is indicating a new line and the \ is telling the compiler to look at the n differently then a normal n. The escape character \ is used to tell the compiler that the character directly following it is not normal and should be treated differently (as a \n newline character for example).

You could use a \ before every actual \ you want to use. So if you wanted \begin{bmatrix} you would have to write \\begin{bmatrix} and if you want \\ you need to use \\\\.

It is also possible to mark text as 'verbatim' text in some systems. This way you can mark a whole block of text to ignore all characters that would otherwise have a special meaning in the programming language. This is different from system to system, Markdown uses `code block` or ``code block``.

Try marking your math as a code block and you should be able to use backslashes normally e.g. `math here`.

Detailed explanation:

