I would like to add support to async/await to node repl
Following this issue: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8382
I've tried to use this one https://github.com/paulserraino/babel-repl but it is missing async await suppport
I would like to use this snippet
const awaitMatcher = /^(?:\s*(?:(?:let|var|const)\s)?\s*([^=]+)=\s*|^\s*)(await\s[\s\S]*)/;
const asyncWrapper = (code, binder) => {
let assign = binder ? `root.${binder} = ` : '';
return `(function(){ async function _wrap() { return ${assign}${code} } return _wrap();})()`;
// match & transform
const match = input.match(awaitMatcher);
if(match) {
input = `${asyncWrapper(match[2], match[1])}`;
How can I add this snippet to a custom eval on node repl?
Example in node repl:
> const user = await User.findOne();
As of node ^10, you can use the following flag when starting the repl:
node --experimental-repl-await
$ await myPromise()
There is the project https://github.com/ef4/async-repl:
$ async-repl
async> 1 + 2
async> 1 + await new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(2), 1000))
async> let x = 1 + await new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(2), 1000))
async> x
Another option, slightly onerous to start but with a great UI, is to use the Chrome Devtools:
$ node --inspect -r esm
Debugger listening on ws://
For help see https://nodejs.org/en/docs/inspector
> Debugger attached.
(I am using the esm package here to allow Node to parse import
Then you go to chrome://inspect
in Chrome and you will be able to connect to the node
instance. Chrome Devtools has top-level await, great tab-completion etc.
The idea is to preprocess the command and wrap it in a async function if there is an await syntax outside async function
this https://gist.github.com/princejwesley/a66d514d86ea174270210561c44b71ba is the final solution