When I need to use a JSON-like object in JS with different data in each block and iterating through that object I make a HTML code via pug.
Let me describe it in code
var footerMenu = {
left: {
title: "sometitle",
list: [
title: "First thing to do",
text: "wake up and brush some teeth"
title: "Second thing to do",
text: "start coding"
Problem comes when text withing property footerMenu.left[0].text
has to be styled with some tags.
I need something like this
...... text: "wake up and #[span.color-red brush] some teeth"
but, of course pug read that as simple string.
I don't want to write each block manually, how do I save same code structure but apply random tags into my JSON-object with pug ?
You can write the html tags as usually something like:
text: "wake up and <span class='color-red brush'>some teeth</span>"
Then in pug you can use unescaped attributes like this:
or using string interpolation attributes unescaped
.some-class !{footerMenu.left[0].text}