Twitter stream API gives JSONDecodeError(“Expecting value”, s, err.value) from None

北城余情 提交于 2020-12-16 04:56:45


I am using the stream API of Twitter (through tweepy) to collect tweets matching certain criteria, but when I use json.loads() to parse the created jsonl file I get this following error:

File "", line 19, in <module> 
    tweet = json.loads(line)

File "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\lib\json\", line 319, in loads 
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)

File "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\lib\json\", line 339, in decode
   obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())

File "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\lib\json\", line 357, in raw_decode 
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 2 column 1 (char 1)

I cannot determine why, as with other types of jsonl files (like when getting twitter timelines etc), this does not occur. Anyone that can help me? thanks!

I am using the basic for stream tweets:

auth = get_twitter_auth() 

twitter_stream = Stream(auth, CustomListener(query_fname)) 

twitter_stream.filter(track=['curiosity'], async=True)

and for loading json:

fname = sys.argv[1] 

with open(fname, "r") as f: 

    for line in f:
      tweet = json.loads(line)

I am using python 3.5 and tweepy version 3.3.0 and this is one line of the json file:

{"created_at":"Mon Dec 26 16:03:06 +0000 2016",



"text":"Battle proper and at greater risk https:\/\/\/W6U9Irgst9","source":"\u003ca href=\"http:\/\/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTwitter Web Client\u003c\/a\u003e",







"user":{"id":544570972,"id_str":"544570972","name":"Fay Moore","screen_name":"MooreFay","location":"Maryland","url":"http:\/\/","description":"Author, writer for hire, crazy woman in a crazy world","protected":false,"verified":false,"followers_count":482,"friends_count":322,"listed_count":22,"favourites_count":92,
"statuses_count":17326,"created_at":"Tue Apr 03 20:30:46 +0000 2012","utc_offset":-18000,"time_zone":"Eastern Time (US & Canada)","geo_enabled":false,"lang":"en","contributors_enabled":false,"is_translator":false,"profile_background_color":"C0DEED","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/\/images\/themes\/theme1\/bg.png","profile_background_image_url_https":"https:\/\/\/images\/themes\/theme1\/bg.png","profile_background_tile":false,"profile_link_color":"1DA1F2","profile_sidebar_border_color":"C0DEED","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"DDEEF6","profile_text_color":"333333","profile_use_background_image":true,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/\/profile_images\/3252060596\/e06263f9a226ca0e3f83915812c331e6_normal.jpeg","profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/\/profile_images\/3252060596\/e06263f9a226ca0e3f83915812c331e6_normal.jpeg","profile_banner_url":"https:\/\/\/profile_banners\/544570972\/1360842914","default_profile":true,"default_profile_image":false,"following":null,"follow_request_sent":null,"notifications":null},
















When writing to file, in the Listener class, you can try:

def on_data(self, data):
    with open('filename.json', 'a', newline='\n') as f:

I also faced this problem on Windows machines. That's because Windows uses CR LF line ending while Linux uses LF.

If you try to read a single tweet, I don't think it would give an error as you can see here:

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 2 column 1 (char 1)  

This is more likely a bug in the json python package rather than the TwitterAPI.

See: The modern way: use newline=''

More on line endings: On Wikipedia, as always.


Inside the for loop, you can try:

  tweet = json.loads(line.decode())

or remove the for loop and try:

  tweets = json.load(f)


I met the same problem just now.

I tried to use the json analyzer to test the json string and found there are some wrong formats.

Such as, False should be "False", None should be "None".

I mean first you should check whether the format of the json string is correct, and one method is to test it on a website that specifically converts json format.

Hope the answer is a little helpful for you.

