I have a repo name called A
with its build pipeline as azure-pipelines.yml
Then I have another repo called B
with its build pipeline as azure-pipelines.yml
Both A
and B
are under same project ProjectA
This is the flow for
- repo A,
build => release (stages ops and dev)
- repo B,
Build create the Artifact and store the Artifact
So, what I want to achieve is as soon as the release finished from repo A it should trigger build repo B.
My pipeline A
looks like this :
name: SomethingFancy
- none
- container: docker
image: docker:1.6
- container: python3
image: python:3
major: 2
minor: 0
So I made pipeline B
looks like this:
- none
- pipeline: SomethingFancy
source: azure-pipelines
branch: DATA-1234
project: ProjectA
- DATA-1234
- dev
- ops
- container: docker
image: docker:1.6
So far I'm not able to run the pipeline as it complains "Pipeline Resource SomethingFancy Input Must be Valid." as per the documentation it is something # identifier for the resource (used in pipeline resource variables)
I'm referring to [this][1] for the collection of resources.
I'm also intended to use [api][2] call to queue the build of the B
, but not able to find what should be the body of the post message e.g. how to add the branch of pipeline B
, or how to pass the parameters to the pipeline of B
see attached my pipeline name
[![enter image description here][3]][3]
and build source pipeline also called azurepipelines.yml
and release pipeline has one stage called Dev
Now my pipeline B looks like this:
- pipeline: azurepipelines
source: azurepipelines
branch: DATA-1234
project: ProjectA
- DATA-1234
- Dev
still I don't see any auto kick off of build pipeline of B
[1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/process/resources?view=azure-devops&tabs=example#resources-pipelines
[2]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/build/builds/queue?view=azure-devops-rest-5.1
[3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/2Uk7A.png
I noticed the the flow for repo A is build => release (stages ops and dev)
. I wonder if the build
is the build pipeline as azure-pipelines.yml
, and release (stages ops and dev)
is the classic release pipeline in azure devops Releases hub? You should know that pipeline resources triggers doesnot work for classic release pipeline.
build => release (stages ops and dev)
for repo A should be in the same pipeline (ie. azure-pipelines.yml). So the pipeline resources trigger you defined in pipeline B only works when the pipeline A looks like below:
name: ..
- none
- stage: build # build the project in build stage
- job
- stage: ops #stage ops
- job:
- stage: dev #stage dev
- job:
The source
in Pipeline B is the name of the pipeline A as julie-ng mentioned. See below example:
- pipeline: {Can be Any String} #identifier for the resource (used in pipeline resource variables)
source: {Name of the pipeline A what you see in the UI} #name of the pipeline that produces an artifact
Name of the pipeline A:
Resource trigger in Pipeline B:
- pipeline: AnyString
source: pipelineA
branch: DATA-1234
If the release pipeline for repo A is the classic release pipeline. You can add this external task Trigger Build in stage dev to trigger pipeline B in stage dev:
- task: benjhuser.tfs-extensions-build-tasks.trigger-build-task.TriggerBuild@3
displayName: 'Trigger a new build of 48'
buildDefinition: {ID of pipeline B}
buildParameters: 'variableName: variableValue'
password: '$(System.AccessToken)'
If you want to pass some variables from Pipeline A to pipeline B. you can use the buildParameters
In pipelien B, Click the Variables button to define a Variable to the hold the variable value. (Note: Check this option Let users override this value when running this pipeline, so that it can be overrode from A pipeline )
You can always use the Rest api to trigger the pipeline. Please see below threads for more inforamtion
this thread
send multiple parameter to Azure-Devops pipeline job via Powershell
Can you pass a file to an azure pipeline?
You can use Builds - Queue rest api To trigger a pipeline.
POST https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/builds?api-version=6.1-preview.6
See below example:
curl -X POST --silent \
-H "Authorization:Bearer $(System.AccessToken)" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_apis/build/builds?api-version=6.1-preview.6 \
-d '{
"definition":{ "id": id-of-pipelineB},
As I read from the same documentation I think you should set the source
property to the name of your pipeline from repo A. source: SomethingFancy
The error message looks like it's telling you it cannot find a pipeline with the name you specified, probably because, name
means refers to the build numbering format in pipeline YAML e.g.
name: $(BuildID)
As @Roderick noted, the name of the pipeline should be what you see in the UI. From the main "Azure Pipelines" screen in your project. First click the "three dots" to get a submenu and then click "Rename/move". Example screenshot:
So now you should have the project name and pipeline names you need to update your YAML in pipeline B and it should work.
After a lot of struggle and the help of wise people here I finally manage to tame the issue. I'm posting here so that anyone can take a referebce. This is working now refer: ListBuild and QueueTheBuild
curl --silent -X GET -H "Authorization:Bearer $(System.AccessToken)" -H "Content-Type:application/json" $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri)/$(System.TeamProject)/_apis/build/definitions?api-version=6.0 --output /tmp/response.json
#Now get the build-id of your project you are interested in
#please be aware that api-version > 6 has different json output and below command
#may not help you to give the right id
id=$(cat /tmp/response.json | jq -r --arg key ${name} '.value[] | select(.name==$key)| .id' --raw-output)
#create your body to post
cat <<EOF
"definition":{"id": $id}
#Now queue your build to run
#have to still verify if this command works for API_VERSION 6
curl -X POST \
--silent \
-H "Authorization:Bearer $(System.AccessToken)" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_apis/build/builds?api-version=6.1-preview.6 \
--output /tmp/response1.json \
-d "$(generate_post_data)"
#check the outcome
cat /tmp/response1.json