In .NET Core for unit testing, I'm using Xunit, Moq, and Autofixture. But even with them, I see that my unit tests become complicated and take time.
Maybe someone could tell me if there are any ways to make this test smaller?
public async Task Verify_NotAuthorised_NoServiceSendInvoked()
// Arrange
var fixture = new Fixture()
.Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var sut = fixture.Create<VerificationService>();
var mockApiBuilder = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IApiEntityBuilder>>();
//init mocked mockSendServiceOne, so later I could check if it was invoked or not
var mockSendServiceOne = fixture.Freeze<Mock<ISendServiceOne>>();
mockApiBuilder.Setup(x => x.Verification(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>()))
var call = fixture.Freeze<Mock<ISendServiceTwo>>();
call.Setup(x => x.IsSuccessful()).Returns(false);
// Act
await sut.Verify(fixture.Create<string>(), fixture.Create<string>());
// Assert
mockSendServiceOne.Verify(x => x.Call(It.IsAny<SendServiceOneEntity>()), Times.Never);
The testing method itself
public async Task<CreatedEntity> Verify(string dataOne, string dataTwo)
await _someCaller.Call(_apiEntityBuilder.Verification(dataOne, dataTwo));
if (!_someCaller.IsSuccessful()) return _someCaller.CreatedEntity;
await mockSendServiceOne.Call(_apiEntityBuilder.Call(_someCaller.CreatedEntity.SpecificData));
return _someCaller.CreatedEntity;
Here I am testing if isSuccessful() returns fasle then no mockSendServiceOne.Call should be invoked.
Could someone give me some feedback on how to write a better unit tests. Because only for this small check of code I had to write a lot of code to test it.
You can use AutoData Theories. (Links to a great post by Mark Seeman about this exact situation).
In short AutoFixture has a built in attribute called AutoData
which you can inherit from and then customize the fixture with the AutoMoqCustomization.
You decorate your testmethod ([Theory]) with this attribute, and now autofixture automagically will generate any parameter you specify for your testmethod.
When you would use the Freeze()
method to generate an item, you put the [Frozen]
attribute in front of the parameter.
Here is an example of how to do it:
public class TheTests
public void Verify_WhatWeWannaTest_CallsTheMethodOnTheDependency([Frozen] Mock<ITheDependency> dependency, WhatWeWannaTest sut)
// Act
// Assert
dependency.Verify(x => x.TheMethod());
// Create a AutoData attribute customized with Moq
public class AutoDomainDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
public static IFixture FixtureFactory()
var f = new Fixture();
// I like members of interfaces to be configured, so i set it her
f.Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization { ConfigureMembers = true });
return f;
public AutoDomainDataAttribute() : base(FixtureFactory) { }
// Simple class we can test
public class WhatWeWannaTest
private readonly ITheDependency _theDependency;
public WhatWeWannaTest(ITheDependency theDependency) { _theDependency = theDependency; }
public void CallTheDependency()
// Simple dependency for WhatWeWannaTest
public interface ITheDependency
int TheMethod();