flutter.dev not working on Google Chrome browser (Windows 10)

随声附和 提交于 2020-12-13 03:23:52


I am trying to visit flutter.dev on the chrome browser but it says the site can't be reached.

I tried to visit it using my smartphone and the site is working fine.

What might be causing this issue on Windows 10?


The issue is not with chrome but with the router settings, you can use a VPN and it will work fine on Chrome but this is a temporary solution. To fix it you need to change some settings in your Network Settings.

  1. Go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections

  1. Right click on Wi-Fi and select Properties

  2. In the Wi-Fi Properties windows, go to Networking section, double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

  3. In the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) window, click on Advanced...

  1. In the Advanced TCP/IP Settings windows, go to DNS section and select Append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes, under it tick the option Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix and press OK.

  1. Close Chrome and restart your PC, the issue is fixed.

Reference: https://sufi.io/linux-etcresolv-conf-equivalent-in-windows-8-to-add-domain-suffixes/

If you are facing the same issue on Mac OS, you can check this answer

