conda sha256 checksum mismatch error, sha256 hash constantly changes

十年热恋 提交于 2020-12-13 03:16:46


I'm trying to use Miniconda3 to create an environment and install packages to it.

Here is my current process:

  • Open Miniconda3 prompt
  • conda create --name env
  • conda activate env
  • conda install h5py

Here is the output:

Downloading and Extracting Packages
hdf5-1.10.4          | 7.9 MB    |                                                                              |   0% etc....

ChecksumMismatchError: Conda detected a mismatch between the expected content and downloaded content
for url ''.
  download saved to: C:\Users\user\Miniconda3\pkgs\hdf5-1.10.4-h7ebc959_0.conda
  expected sha256: aac32deb60d5cff5640ca39a772d8bb937a334a7a0f37e91235c9a4de9b925f0
  actual sha256: c80bea1ea77e281271818e00a0953926129f9edbe44a46fa287570d34a3d0084

My thoughts:

  • The link in the output works completely fine, I can access this page and then install this file locally. My initial concern was that I am using a corporate proxy, but this has worked fine before and the fact I can utilise the exact same proxy to download the files from my web browser suggests this is not the root cause.
  • I have setup my proxy using the following .condarc file:
--- # .condarc file for configuring miniconda
ssl_verify: False
  • None of the files get to anymore than 0% downloaded
  • The "actual sha256" repeatedly changes on each attempt, why would this be?
  • Is there a way to just disable the sha256 checksum if I know these packages are safe?

This is causing a huge delay to my work so any help would be hugely appreciated, even comments of anyone with similar issues.

