PHP how to map importer fields to csv first row fields?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-12-12 05:37:13


I am importing rims from an csv file to a webshop project. nothing for sell, just a personal project for learning how importers work. I am trying to map my $EANColumn variable to the first row field name in my csv.

So currently i have a csv with the following fields :




At the moment in my importer, it works when i map:

$EANColumn     = str_replace('’', '', $importData_arr["EAN"]);

And inserting it to my database through an array :

foreach($importData_arr as $importData){
           // var_dump($importData);
            $insertData = array(
                "EAN" =>$EANColumn);

My complete code for this part is here :

if ($request->input('submit') != null ){

      $file = $request->file('file');

      // File Details
      $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
      $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
      $tempPath = $file->getRealPath();
      $fileSize = $file->getSize();
      $mimeType = $file->getMimeType();

      // Valid File Extensions
      $valid_extension = array("csv");

      // 2MB in Bytes
      $maxFileSize = 2097152;

      // Check file extension

        // Check file size
        if($fileSize <= $maxFileSize){

          // File upload location
          $location = 'uploads';

          // Upload file

          // Import CSV to Database
          $filepath = url($location."/".$filename);

          // Reading file
          $file = fopen($filepath,"r");

          $importData_arr = array();
          $i = 0;

          while (($filedata = fgetcsv($file, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) {
             $num = count($filedata );

             $EANColumn     = str_replace('’', '', $importData_arr["EAN"]);
             $BrandColumn   = $importData_arr["Brand"];

             // Skip first row (Remove below comment if you want to skip the first row)
             if($i == 0){

             for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
                $importData_arr[$i][] = $filedata [$c];

          // Insert to MySQL database
          foreach($importData_arr as $importData){
           // var_dump($importData);
            $insertData = array(
                "EAN" =>$EANColumn,


          Session::flash('message','Import Successful.');
          Session::flash('message','File too large. File must be less than 2MB.');

         Session::flash('message','Invalid File Extension.');


    // Redirect to index
    // return redirect()->action("RimsUploadController@index", [$request]);
    return response()->redirectToAction('App\Http\Controllers\RimsUploadController@index', [$request]);

But the real problem is that i do not want to map my columns like [0],[1],[2],[3]... I would like to take them from the first row colum name : ["EAN"],["Brand"],["Name"],["Size"]... So if EAN is column 1 or column 7, it wont make a difference, since it will detect it by name and not by row number. So it will then be able to handle files with different column orders.

When trying to do this, i get the error : Undefined index: EAN on $EANColumn = str_replace('’', '', $importData_arr["EAN"]);

The whole point is to make an easy way to import data from suppliers through csv into mysql. then display it to the webshop site.


Before your while loop, extract the field names from the first row of your csv:

$file = fopen($filepath,"r");
$keys = fgetcsv($file, 1000, ';');

Then, fetch the data lines and combine the $keys array with the data into an associative array:

$importData_arr = [];
while ($line = fgetcsv($file, 1000, ';')) {
    $data = array_combine($keys, $line);
    // Do something with the data
    $data['EAN'] = str_replace('’', '', $data['EAN']);
    $importData_arr[] = $data;

You can now access all data fields by their name, independent of the order in the CSV:

foreach($importData_arr as $importData){
    echo $importData['EAN'];

As long as the field names stay intact, you don't have to change your import code when the field order or count changes.


Here is some simple proposal how to map your data to an array with given keys.

while ($row = fgetcsv($fp, 100, ',')) {

      $columnName = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'];
      $myRow = array_combine($columnName,$row);

