Get CPU and GPU Temp using Python Windows

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-12-10 08:00:18


I was wondering if there was a way to get the CPU and the GPU temperature in python. I have already found a way for Linux (using psutil.sensors_temperature()), and I wanted to find a way for Windows.

A way to find the temperatures for Mac OS would also be appreciated, but I mainly want a way for windows.

I prefer to only use python modules downloadable with pip, but I am fine with downloading extra things. If your answer requires extra files, I would prefer for it to not require too many files.

When I try doing the below, I get None:

import wmi
w = wmi.WMI()

When I try doing the below, I get an error:

import wmi
w = wmi.WMI(namespace="root\wmi")
temperature_info = w.MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature()[0]


wmi.x_wmi: <x_wmi: Unexpected COM Error (-2147217396, 'OLE error 0x8004100c', None, None)>

I have heard of OpenHardwareMoniter, but this requires me to install something that is not a python module. I would also prefer to not have to run the script as admin to get the results.

I am also fine with running windows cmd commands with python, but I have not found one that returns the CPU temp.

Update: I found this: I can't figure out how to use it though. When I tried doing: print(OUTPUT_temp._fields_), I got

[('Board Temp', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>), ('CPU Temp', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>), ('Board Temp2', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>), ('temp4', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>), ('temp5', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>)]

Note: I really do not want to run this as admin. If I absolutely have to, I can, but I prefer not to.

Edit: I am also fine with using C/C++ extensions with Python, or any way to the CPU temp in python.


I think there doesn't have a directly way to achieve that.Some CPU producers wouldn't provide wmi to let your know the temperature directly.

You could use OpenHardwareMoniter.dll.Use the dynamic library.

Firstly, Download the OpenHardwareMoniter.It contains a file called OpenHardwareMoniter.dll.

Install the module pythonnet:

pip install pythonnet

Below code works fine on my PC(Get the CPU temperature):

import clr # the pythonnet module.
from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer

c = Computer()
c.CPUEnabled = True # get the Info about CPU
c.GPUEnabled = True # get the Info about GPU
while True:
    for a in range(0, len(c.Hardware[0].Sensors)):
        # print(c.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier)
        if "/intelcpu/0/temperature" in str(c.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier):

To Get the GPU temperature,change the c.Hardware[0] to c.Hardware[1].

Compare the result with :

Attention: If you want to get the temperature, you need to run it as Administrator. If not, you will only get the value of Load.

I did some changes from a Chinese Blog


so you can use gpiozero to get the temp first pip install gpiozero and from gpiozero import CPUTemperature to import it and cpu = CPUTemperature() print(cpu.temperature)


from gpiozero import CPUTemperature

cpu = CPUTemperature()

hope you enjoy. :)

