I was wondering if there was a way to get the CPU and the GPU temperature in python. I have already found a way for Linux (using psutil.sensors_temperature()), and I wanted to find a way for Windows.
A way to find the temperatures for Mac OS would also be appreciated, but I mainly want a way for windows.
I prefer to only use python modules downloadable with pip, but I am fine with downloading extra things. If your answer requires extra files, I would prefer for it to not require too many files.
When I try doing the below, I get None:
import wmi
w = wmi.WMI()
When I try doing the below, I get an error:
import wmi
w = wmi.WMI(namespace="root\wmi")
temperature_info = w.MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature()[0]
wmi.x_wmi: <x_wmi: Unexpected COM Error (-2147217396, 'OLE error 0x8004100c', None, None)>
I have heard of OpenHardwareMoniter, but this requires me to install something that is not a python module. I would also prefer to not have to run the script as admin to get the results.
I am also fine with running windows cmd commands with python, but I have not found one that returns the CPU temp.
Update: I found this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58924992/13710015.
I can't figure out how to use it though.
When I tried doing: print(OUTPUT_temp._fields_)
, I got
[('Board Temp', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>), ('CPU Temp', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>), ('Board Temp2', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>), ('temp4', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>), ('temp5', <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>)]
Note: I really do not want to run this as admin. If I absolutely have to, I can, but I prefer not to.
Edit: I am also fine with using C/C++ extensions with Python, or any way to the CPU temp in python.
I think there doesn't have a directly way to achieve that.Some CPU producers wouldn't provide wmi
to let your know the temperature directly.
You could use OpenHardwareMoniter.dll
.Use the dynamic library.
Firstly, Download the OpenHardwareMoniter
.It contains a file called OpenHardwareMoniter.dll
Install the module pythonnet
pip install pythonnet
Below code works fine on my PC(Get the CPU temperature):
import clr # the pythonnet module.
from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer
c = Computer()
c.CPUEnabled = True # get the Info about CPU
c.GPUEnabled = True # get the Info about GPU
while True:
for a in range(0, len(c.Hardware[0].Sensors)):
# print(c.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier)
if "/intelcpu/0/temperature" in str(c.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier):
To Get the GPU temperature,change the c.Hardware[0]
to c.Hardware[1]
Compare the result with :
Attention: If you want to get the temperature, you need to run it as Administrator. If not, you will only get the value of Load
I did some changes from a Chinese Blog
so you can use gpiozero
to get the temp
first pip install gpiozero
and from gpiozero import CPUTemperature
to import it and cpu = CPUTemperature() print(cpu.temperature)
from gpiozero import CPUTemperature
cpu = CPUTemperature()
hope you enjoy. :)