I am trying to write all my floating point numbers to .001 precision toward -∞. I have set the RC field to 01 binary, but I am only able to print out the initial floating point number with the wanted precision and thereafter it disregards the rounding. I think I might be missing something obvious in how I am handling the precision towards -∞, but I am not sure.
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
ctrlWord WORD 010000000000b ; set the RC field to round down toward -∞.
fild sum ; load integer into ST(0)
fidiv count ; divide ST(0) by mem int
fstcw ctrlWord ; store control word
fldcw ctrlWord ; load control word
call WriteFloat ; +2.5000000E+000
fild stdDev ; load variance integer into ST(0)
fidiv count ; average the result
fsqrt ; ST(0) = square root
call WriteFloat ; +2.5495097E+000
The rounding mode of the FPU applies only to the last binary digit of the floating point mantissa. It cannot be used for a decimal rounding. There is one exception from that rounding rule: FRNDINT
. This instruction "rounds the source value in the ST(0) register to the nearest integral value, depending on the current rounding mode (setting of the RC field of the FPU control word), and stores the result in ST(0)." (Intel Manual).
For decimal rounding you can use FRNDINT
with a trick: First calculate n * 10^x (x is the desired decimal precision of the fractional part). Then use FRNDINT
which rounds the integral part and truncates the fractional part. Finally you can divide the number by 10^x or you can convert the number to a string and insert the decimal point appropropriate.
Take a look at this example (it's your code, just a little bit modified):
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
newCtrlWord WORD 010000000000b ; set the RC field to round down toward -∞.
oldCtrlWord WORD ?
sum WORD 25
count WORD 10
stdDev WORD 65
thousand WORD 1000
fstcw oldCtrlWord ; store control word
mov ax, oldCtrlWord
and ah, 11110011b ; clear _only_ RC field
or ah, 00000100b ; set _only_ RC field (rounding to -∞)
mov newCtrlWord, ax
fldcw newCtrlWord ; load control word
fild sum ; load integer into ST(0)
fidiv count ; divide ST(0) by mem int
fimul thousand ; thousand=10^3 - preserve three decimal digits of the fractional part
frndint ; only for this you need the control word
fidiv thousand ; adjust integer to a correct rational number (reverse the `fimul thousand`)
call WriteFloat ; +2.5000000E+000
call CRLF
fild stdDev ; load variance integer into ST(0)
fidiv count ; average the result
fsqrt ; +2.5495097E+000
fimul thousand ; thousand=10^3 - preserve three decimal digits of the fractional part
frndint ; only for this you need the control word
fidiv thousand ; adjust integer to a correct rational number (reverse the `fimul thousand`)
call WriteFloat ; +2.5490000E+000
call CRLF
fldcw oldCtrlWord ; restore control word
END main