I am using Acive Choice Reactive Parameter plugin to list down Nexus Artifacts. This is the groovy script which I'm currently using.
import groovy.json.*
def targetUrl = "https://nexus.xxxx.lk/service/rest/v1/search?repository=snapshots&format=maven2&group=com.org.pro&name=pro-service"
def jsonSlupper = new JsonSlurper().parse(URI.create(targetUrl).toURL())
def list = jsonSlupper["items"]["version"].collect().sort().reverse()
I want to display only latest artifact in the list. Does anyone know, how to do this?
we can use metadata API, you can use snapshots repo or release repo or public for both, just limit the last 5 versions.
Jenkins snapshot
def host="https://msnexus.xxx.com"
def groupId="com.xxx.cd".replaceAll("\\.", "/")
def artifactId="common-log"
def nexus_url="${host}/repository/public/${groupId}/${artifactId}/maven-metadata.xml"
def response=nexus_url.toURL().text
def metadata = new XmlParser().parseText(response)