YouTube and GDPR compliance for videos embebed on website

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-12-06 12:22:58


I came to know even embedding of youTube videos on website are also affected by GDPR law, even for this we need user consent. There is not much i can find on the internet how to make embedding of youtube videos GDPR compliance and how we can take user consent for this.

After digging for few days i found following link which say how we can use

following link from google allow us to use it in no cookie option but is this compliance with GDPR

Is there any easy way of getting user consent for all such as third party tools etc.


I'm currently working with a very similar issue. The solution I have working so far is like this:

  1. Install Cookie Consent Plugin from and configure it
  2. Wrap Youtube embeds with this sort of PHP:

     if (isset($_COOKIE['cookie_consent_level']) && 
        $_COOKIE['cookie_consent_level'] == "targeting-cookies") {
         // If we are allowed to use targeting cookies, 
         // include the Youtube/FB/Google code.
         print $youtube_embed_code;
         print $google_retargeting_code;
         print $facebook_pixel_code;

    What that provides is code load on second page view (within 12 month window). If your default cookie setting is the most liberal, eg targeting-cookies, then all subsequent page views on your site for that visitor will include the appropriate embeds.

I'm close to getting something working on first page load, after approval is sought, but not quite there yet.


This plugin helped:

Improved GDPR compliance options: YouTube no cookie, YouTube API restrictions, GDPR consent mode

To see how it works, without having to first download the plugin, I suggest watching this video:

Basically, there's a "preload" message displayed until the site visitor accepts the connection and cookies.

