Dynamic Validation Messages Using Yup and Typescript

别来无恙 提交于 2020-12-06 07:03:29


I am trying to create some custom error messages with Yup to determine if the user's email address is in use.

I have created the following promise to try and catch a server communication error:

    name: 'Email Check',
    test: value => {
        if (value.includes("@")) {
            return new Promise<yup.ValidationError>((resolve, reject) => {
                let client = new RegistrationApi();
                    x => x ? resolve(undefined) : resolve(new yup.ValidationError("E-mail address already used", value, "")),
                    () =>resolve(new yup.ValidationError("Failed to contact server", value, "")),
        else {
            return false;

Returning the validation errors doesn't result in any error message being displayed. What am I doing wrong? I have tried to use the createError method which seems to be details in examples, but it doesn't seem to exist in this context.


Regarding your code, you will want to reject your Promise and not resolve it.

generally; you need to return a promise to the validation function of your yup schema. Or you can write a specific async test.


createError needs to be used inside of a function declaration for the test method. You are currently using an arrow function.

