Backport Python 3.4's regular expression “fullmatch()” to Python 2

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-11-27 23:48:39


Python 3.4 introduced the new regex method re.fullmatch(pattern, string, flags=0).

Has anyone back-ported this new method to older Python versions?


To make sure that the entire string matches, you need to use the \Z end-of-string anchor:

def fullmatch(regex, string, flags=0):
    """Emulate python-3.4 re.fullmatch()."""
    return re.match("(?:" + regex + r")\Z", string, flags=flags)

The \A anchor is not necessary since re.match() already anchors the match to the start of the string.


Here it is my backporting, which has at least one problem (thanks tim-pietzcker) but does not require recompiling regexes:

import re

def fullmatch(regex, string, flags=0):
    """Emulate python-3.4 re.fullmatch()."""
    m = re.match(regex, string, flags=flags)
    if m and m.span()[1] == len(string):
        return m

And here are some test-cases proving the above emulation-function.

def compare_expansion(regex, s, template):
    m1 = re.fullmatch(regex, s)
    s1 = m1.expand(template) if m1 else '<NO-MATCH>'
    m2 = fullmatch(regex, s)
    s2 = m2.expand(template) if m2 else '<NO-MATCH>'
    if s1 != s2:
        raise AssertionError("\n  PY-3: '%s' \n  PY-2: '%s' " % (s1, s2))

compare_expansion('.*', 'foo', r'A')
compare_expansion('(.*)', 'foo', r'A_\1')
compare_expansion('(.*)', 'foo', r'A_\g<0>')

compare_expansion('a.*', 'afoo&', r'A')
compare_expansion('a(\w*)', 'afoo&', r'A_\1')
compare_expansion('a(\w*)', 'afoo&', r'A_\g<0>')

## But this fails!
compare_expansion(".*?", "Hello", '\g<0>')
  PY-3: 'A_Hello' 
  PY-2: '<NO-MATCH>' 

