I want to log out from stm32f405 via usart. In my syscall.c file i realize function to print via usart:
int _write(int file, char *ptr, int len)
int todo;
for (todo = 0; todo < len; todo++)
usart_send_char( *ptr++ );
return len;
Function usart_send_char( *ptr++ );
work as expected. But when i call:
printf("%s, %d, %3.2f\r\n", "asd", 777, 13.2 );
I get:
asd, 777, 0.00
The float variable not printed correctly.
PROCESSOR = -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16
CFLAGS += $(PROCESSOR) $(INCLUDES) $(STFLAGS) -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing $(C_PROFILE)
LDFLAGS = $(PROCESSOR) -Wl,-Map=$(PROG).map,--cref,--gc-sections
Used compilator:
Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2014.05-28
Where i am mistaken?
I haven't used Sourcery Codebench gcc for STM32F4, but with the GCC ARM Embedded toolchain, floating point support in printf isn't enabled by default. To enable, add -u _printf_float
to your LDFLAGS.
- I am not sure, but I think the mfloat-abi-flag must be set for the CFLAGS.
- STM32F4 has a FPU, so why do you use mfloat-abi=soft? Can't you use mfloat-abi=hard?
- If you don't need to calculate floatingpointvalue very often, you could do it in this way.
Code example:
int i = 132;
printf("Result is: %d.%d", i/10, i%10);
To enable the floats in sprintf, add -u _printf_float to your project as this picture indicate.