I have just started to look at the Scala collections library re-implementation which is coming in the imminent 2.8 release. 我刚刚开始研究即将发布的2.8版本中的Scala集合库重新实现 。 Those familiar with the library from 2.7 will notice that the library, from a usage perspective, has changed little. 熟悉2.7中的库的人会注意到,从使用角度来看,库几乎没有变化。 For example... 例如...
> List("Paris", "London").map(_.length)
res0: List[Int] List(5, 6)
...would work in either versions. ......适用于任何一个版本。 The library is eminently useable : in fact it's fantastic. 图书馆非常实用 :实际上它太棒了。 However, those previously unfamiliar with Scala and poking around to get a feel for the language now have to make sense of method signatures like: 然而,那些以前不熟悉Scala并且想要了解语言的人现在必须理解方法签名,例如:
def map[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That
For such simple functionality, this is a daunting signature and one which I find myself struggling to understand. 对于这样简单的功能,这是一个令人生畏的签名,我发现自己很难理解。 Not that I think Scala was ever likely to be the next Java (or /C/C++/C#) - I don't believe its creators were aiming it at that market - but I think it is/was certainly feasible for Scala to become the next Ruby or Python (ie to gain a significant commercial user-base) 并不是说我认为Scala有可能成为下一个Java (或/ C / C ++ / C#) - 我不相信它的创建者会瞄准那个市场 - 但我认为Scala成为/当然是可行的下一个Ruby或Python(即获得重要的商业用户群)
- Is this going to put people off coming to Scala? 这会让人们去Scala吗?
- Is this going to give Scala a bad name in the commercial world as an academic plaything that only dedicated PhD students can understand? 这是否会让Scala在商业世界中成为一个不好的名字,作为学术玩具 ,只有专门的博士生才能理解? Are CTO s and heads of software going to get scared off? CTO和软件负责人是否会受到惊吓?
- Was the library re-design a sensible idea? 图书馆重新设计了一个明智的想法吗?
- If you're using Scala commercially, are you worried about this? 如果您在商业上使用Scala,您是否担心这一点? Are you planning to adopt 2.8 immediately or wait to see what happens? 您是打算立即采用2.8还是等待看看会发生什么?
Steve Yegge once attacked Scala (mistakenly in my opinion) for what he saw as its overcomplicated type-system. Steve Yegge 曾经因为他过于复杂的类型系统而攻击Scala (在我看来是错误的)。 I worry that someone is going to have a field day spreading FUD with this API (similarly to how Josh Bloch scared the JCP out of adding closures to Java). 我担心有人会在这个API上传播FUD (类似于Josh Bloch如何通过向Java添加闭包来吓唬JCP )。
Note - I should be clear that, whilst I believe that Joshua Bloch was influential in the rejection of the BGGA closures proposal, I don't ascribe this to anything other than his honestly-held beliefs that the proposal represented a mistake. 注意 - 我应该清楚,虽然我相信约书亚布洛赫在拒绝BGGA关闭提案方面具有影响力,但我并没有将此归因于他诚实地认为提案代表错误的其他信息。
Despite whatever my wife and coworkers keep telling me, I don't think I'm an idiot: I have a good degree in mathematics from the University of Oxford , and I've been programming commercially for almost 12 years and in Scala for about a year (also commercially). 尽管我的妻子和同事一直在告诉我,我不认为我是一个白痴:我在牛津大学获得了很好的数学学位,而且我已经在商业方面进行了近12年的编程,并在斯卡拉进行了大约一年(也是商业上)。
Note the inflammatory subject title is a quotation made about the manifesto of a UK political party in the early 1980s . 请注意,炎症主题标题是关于 20世纪80年代早期英国政党宣言的引文 。 This question is subjective but it is a genuine question, I've made it CW and I'd like some opinions on the matter. 这个问题是主观的,但这是一个真实的问题,我已经成为CW,我想就此事提出一些意见。
参考一: https://stackoom.com/question/7E9u/Scala-馆藏图书馆是-历史上最长的遗书-吗-关闭参考二: https://oldbug.net/q/7E9u/Is-the-Scala-2-8-collections-library-a-case-of-the-longest-suicide-note-in-history-closed