- linker command failed: linking出了问题,这里是因为register_all()的declaration和definition是分开的,definition所在的object file(.o)在makefile中没有作为source file被链接。(我使用的 +=xx.o 不知道为什么失效了)
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: “register_all()”,
referenced from:
_main in test_accuracy-0f5cb0.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code
1 (use -v to see invocation) make: *** [test_accuracy] Error 1
- 这是从stack overflow找到的Error 127的解释:Error 127 means one of two things: file not found; the path you’re using is incorrect. 经过排查,这是因为之前make生成的test_accuracy没有被放在 ./bin/ 目录下面。
**总结:**遇到Error 127可能是由于某个path不正确,导致需要的文件无法被找到。
/bin/sh: test_accuracy: command not found make: ***
[exp_expo_v1_accuracy.txt] Error 127