Boost.Python: Wrap functions to release the GIL

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-11-27 21:35:42

Exposing functors as methods is not officially supported. The supported approach would be to expose a non-member function that delegates to the member-function. However, this can result in a large amount of boilerplate code.

As best as I can tell, Boost.Python's implementation does not explicitly preclude functors, as it allows for instances of python::object to be exposed as a method. However, Boost.Python does place some requirements on the type of object being exposed as a method:

  • The functor is CopyConstructible.
  • The functor is callable. I.e. instance o can be called o(a1, a2, a3).
  • The call signature must be available as meta-data during runtime. Boost.Python calls the boost::python::detail::get_signature() function to obtain this meta-data. The meta-data is used internally to setup proper invocation, as well as for dispatching from Python to C++.

The latter requirement is where it gets complex. For some reason that is not immediately clear to me, Boost.Python invokes get_signature() through a qualified-id, preventing argument dependent lookup. Therefore, all candidates for get_signature() must be declared before the calling template's definition context. For example, the only overloads for get_signature() that are considered are those declared before the definition of templates that invoke it, such as class_, def(), and make_function(). To account for this behavior, when enabling a functor in Boost.Python, one must provide a get_signature() overload prior to including Boost.Python or explicitly provide a meta-sequence representing the signature to make_function().

Lets work through some examples of enabling functor support, as well as providing functors that support guards. I have opted to not use C++11 features. As such, there will be some boilerplate code that could be reduced with variadic templates. Additionally, all of the examples will use the same model that provides two non-member functions and a spam class that has two member-functions:

/// @brief Mockup class with member functions.
class spam
  void action()
    std::cout << "spam::action()"  << std::endl;

  int times_two(int x)
    std::cout << "spam::times_two()" << std::endl;
    return 2 * x;

// Mockup non-member functions.
void action()
  std::cout << "action()"  << std::endl;

int times_two(int x)
  std::cout << "times_two()" << std::endl;
  return 2 * x;

Enabling boost::function

When using the preferred syntax for Boost.Function, decomposing the signature into meta-data that meets Boost.Python requirements can be done with Boost.FunctionTypes. Here is a complete example enabling boost::function functors to be exposed as a Boost.Python method:

#include <iostream>

#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/components.hpp>

namespace boost  {
namespace python {
namespace detail {
// get_signature overloads must be declared before including
// boost/python.hpp.  The declaration must be visible at the
// point of definition of various Boost.Python templates during
// the first phase of two phase lookup.  Boost.Python invokes the
// get_signature function via qualified-id, thus ADL is disabled.

/// @brief Get the signature of a boost::function.
template <typename Signature>
inline typename boost::function_types::components<Signature>::type
get_signature(boost::function<Signature>&, void* = 0)
  return typename boost::function_types::components<Signature>::type();

} // namespace detail
} // namespace python
} // namespace boost

#include <boost/python.hpp>

/// @brief Mockup class with member functions.
class spam
  void action()
    std::cout << "spam::action()"  << std::endl;

  int times_two(int x)
    std::cout << "spam::times_two()" << std::endl;
    return 2 * x;

// Mockup non-member functions.
void action()
  std::cout << "action()"  << std::endl;

int times_two(int x)
  std::cout << "times_two()" << std::endl;
  return 2 * x;

  namespace python = boost::python;

  // Expose class and member-function.
    .def("action",  &spam::action)
    .def("times_two", boost::function<int(spam&, int)>(

  // Expose non-member function.
  python::def("action",  &action);
  python::def("times_two", boost::function<int()>(
      boost::bind(&times_two, 21)));

And its usage:

>>> import example
>>> spam = example.Spam()
>>> spam.action()
>>> spam.times_two(5)
>>> example.action()
>>> example.times_two()

When providing a functor that will invoke a member-function, the provided signature needs to be the non-member function equivalent. In this case, int(spam::*)(int) becomes int(spam&, int).

// ...
  .def("times_two", boost::function<int(spam&, int)>(

Also, arguments can be bound to the functors with boost::bind. For example, calling example.times_two() does not have to provide an argument, as 21 is already bound to the functor.

python::def("times_two", boost::function<int()>(
    boost::bind(&times_two, 21)));

Custom functor with guards

Expanding upon the above example, one can enable custom functor types to be used with Boost.Python. Lets create a functor, called guarded_function, that will use RAII, only invoking the wrapped function during the RAII object's lifetime.

/// @brief Functor that will invoke a function while holding a guard.
///        Upon returning from the function, the guard is released.
template <typename Signature,
          typename Guard>
class guarded_function

  typedef typename boost::function_types::result_type<Signature>::type

  template <typename Fn>
  guarded_function(Fn fn)
    : fn_(fn)

  result_type operator()()
    Guard g;
    return fn_();

  // ... overloads for operator()

  boost::function<Signature> fn_;

The guarded_function provides similar semantics to the Python with statement. Thus, to keep with the Boost.Python API name choices, a with() C++ function will provide a way to create functors.

/// @brief Create a callable object with guards.
template <typename Guard,
          typename Fn>
with(Fn fn)
   return boost::python::make_function(
     guarded_function<Guard, Fn>(fn), ...);

This allows for functions to be exposed which will run with a guard in a non-intrusive manner:

class no_gil; // Guard

// ...
  .def("times_two", with<no_gil>(&spam::times_two))

Additionally, the with() function provides the ability to deduce the function signatures, allowing the meta-data signature to be explicitly provided to Boost.Python rather than having to overload boost::python::detail::get_signature().

Here is the complete example, using two RAII types:

  • no_gil: Releases GIL in constructor, and reacquires GIL in destructor.
  • echo_guard: Prints in constructor and destructor.
#include <iostream>

#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/components.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/function_type.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/result_type.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>

namespace detail {

/// @brief Functor that will invoke a function while holding a guard.
///        Upon returning from the function, the guard is released.
template <typename Signature,
          typename Guard>
class guarded_function

  typedef typename boost::function_types::result_type<Signature>::type

  template <typename Fn>
  guarded_function(Fn fn)
    : fn_(fn)

  result_type operator()()
    Guard g;
    return fn_();

  template <typename A1>
  result_type operator()(A1 a1)
    Guard g;
    return fn_(a1);

  template <typename A1, typename A2>
  result_type operator()(A1 a1, A2 a2)
    Guard g;
    return fn_(a1, a2);

  boost::function<Signature> fn_;

/// @brief Provides signature type.
template <typename Signature>
struct mpl_signature
  typedef typename boost::function_types::components<Signature>::type type;

// Support boost::function.
template <typename Signature>
struct mpl_signature<boost::function<Signature> >:
  public mpl_signature<Signature>

/// @brief Create a callable object with guards.
template <typename Guard,
          typename Fn,
          typename Policy>
boost::python::object with_aux(Fn fn, const Policy& policy)
  // Obtain the components of the Fn.  This will decompose non-member
  // and member functions into an mpl sequence.
  //   R (*)(A1)    => R, A1
  //   R (C::*)(A1) => R, C*, A1
  typedef typename mpl_signature<Fn>::type mpl_signature_type;

  // Synthesize the components into a function type.  This process
  // causes member functions to require the instance argument.
  // This is necessary because member functions will be explicitly
  // provided the 'self' argument.
  //   R, A1     => R (*)(A1)
  //   R, C*, A1 => R (*)(C*, A1)
  typedef typename boost::function_types::function_type<
      mpl_signature_type>::type signature_type;

  // Create a callable boost::python::object that delegates to the
  // guarded_function.
  return boost::python::make_function(
    guarded_function<signature_type, Guard>(fn),
    policy, mpl_signature_type());

} // namespace detail

/// @brief Create a callable object with guards.
template <typename Guard,
          typename Fn,
          typename Policy>
boost::python::object with(const Fn& fn, const Policy& policy)
  return detail::with_aux<Guard>(fn, policy);

/// @brief Create a callable object with guards.
template <typename Guard,
          typename Fn>
boost::python::object with(const Fn& fn)
  return with<Guard>(fn, boost::python::default_call_policies());

/// @brief Mockup class with member functions.
class spam
  void action()
    std::cout << "spam::action()"  << std::endl;

  int times_two(int x)
    std::cout << "spam::times_two()" << std::endl;
    return 2 * x;

// Mockup non-member functions.
void action()
  std::cout << "action()"  << std::endl;

int times_two(int x)
  std::cout << "times_two()" << std::endl;
  return 2 * x;

/// @brief Guard that will unlock the GIL upon construction, and
///        reacquire it upon destruction.
struct no_gil
  no_gil()  { state_ = PyEval_SaveThread(); 
              std::cout << "no_gil()" << std::endl; }
  ~no_gil() { std::cout << "~no_gil()" << std::endl;
              PyEval_RestoreThread(state_); }
  PyThreadState* state_;

/// @brief Guard that prints to std::cout.
struct echo_guard 
  echo_guard()  { std::cout << "echo_guard()" << std::endl;  }
  ~echo_guard() { std::cout << "~echo_guard()" << std::endl; }

  namespace python = boost::python;

  // Expose class and member-function.
    .def("action", &spam::action)
    .def("times_two", with<no_gil>(&spam::times_two))

  // Expose non-member function.
  python::def("action", &action);
  python::def("times_two", with<boost::tuple<no_gil, echo_guard> >(

And its usage:

>>> import example
>>> spam = example.Spam()
>>> spam.action()
>>> spam.times_two(5)
>>> example.action()
>>> example.times_two(21)

Notice how multiple guards can be provided by using a container type, such as boost::tuple:

  python::def("times_two", with<boost::tuple<no_gil, echo_guard> >(

When invoked in Python, example.times_two(21) produces the following output:


If someone is interested, I had a small issue with Tanner Sansbury's code when using his final working example. For some reason, I still had the problem he mentioned about having the wrong signature in the final generated boost::function:

// example for spam::times_two:
//   correct signature (manual)
int (spam::*, int)
//   wrong signature (generated in the `guarded_function` wrapper)
int (spam&, int)

even when overloading boost::python::detail::get_signature(). The responsible for this was boost::function_types::components; it has a default template parameter ClassTranform = add_reference<_> which creates this class reference. To fix this, I simply changed the mpl_signature struct as follow:

// other includes
# include <boost/type_traits/add_pointer.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/placeholders.hpp>

template <typename Signature> struct mpl_signature
  typedef typename boost::function_types::components<Signature,
                boost::add_pointer<boost::mpl::placeholders::_> >::type type;

template <typename Signature> struct mpl_signature<boost::function<Signature> >
  typedef typename boost::function_types::components<Signature>::type type;

And now everything works like a charm.

If someone can confirm this is indeed the right fix, I'd be interested :)
