Jenkins Pipeline stage skip based on groovy variable defined in pipeline

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-08-27 21:41:50


I'm trying to skip a stage based a groovy variable and that variable value will be calculated in another stage.

In the below example, Validate stage is conditionally skipped based Environment variable VALIDATION_REQUIRED which I will pass while building/triggering the Job. --- This is working as expected.

Whereas the Build stage always runs even though isValidationSuccess variable is set as false. I tried changing the when condition expression like { return "${isValidationSuccess}" == true ; } or { return "${isValidationSuccess}" == 'true' ; } but none worked. When printing the variable it shows as 'false'

def isValidationSuccess = true 
 pipeline {
    agent any
    stages(checkout) {
        // GIT checkout here
    stage("Validate") {
        when {
            environment name: 'VALIDATION_REQUIRED', value: 'true'
        steps {
                isValidationSuccess = false;
    stage("Build") {
        when {
            expression { return "${isValidationSuccess}"; }
        steps {
             sh "echo isValidationSuccess:${isValidationSuccess}"
             // Perform some action

  1. At what phase does the when condition will be evaluated.
  2. Is it possible to skip the stage based on the variable using when?
  3. Based on a few SO answers, I can think of adding conditional block as below, But when options look clean approach. Also, the stage view shows nicely when that particular stage is skipped.
script {
             // Do the build
       }else {
           try {
             currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED' 
           } catch(Exception err) {
             currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
           error('Build not happened')



stage("Build") {
        when {
            expression { isValidationSuccess == true }
        steps {
             // do stuff

when validates boolean values so this should be evaluate to true or false.


