Recover staged but not committed files after 'git rm -rf'

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-27 20:40:15

(update) Use git fsck instead, it is a builtin command for retrieving files you have once added to git repository.

git fsck --lost-found --unreachable

after the command processing, retrieved files will be placed at .git/lost-found/other, with file name of a sha256 hash. Although the original name is still lost, the content will be back.

You can find your files in your .git/objects directory.

Suppose there is a .git/objects/2f/ae996f8f8f9298b41ba4fdbac3d62014f9579e object, you can execute

git cat-file -p 2fae996

to get the content of your lost file.

But I'm sorry, I have no idea about reconstructing your directory or doing this automatically.


have you tried :

git reset --hard


Hope that works :)
