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I am getting the XML response from the API call.
I need the "testId" attribute value from this response, Please help me on this.
r=requests.get( myconfig.URL_webpagetest + "?url=" + testurl + "&f=xml&k=" + myconfig.apikey_webpagetest )
print (xmltxt)
testId = XML (xmltxt).find("testId").text
r=requests.get("http://www.webpagetest.org/testStatus.php?f=xml&test=" + testId )
xml response -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The following error is responding -
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/pagePerformance.py", line 52, in testId = XML (xmltxt).find("testId").text AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'
Use the following to collect testId from response:-
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
response_xml_as_string = "xml response string from API"
responseXml = ET.fromstring(response_xml_as_string)
testId = responseXml.find('data').find('testId')
print testId.text
from lxml.etree import fromstring
string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <statusCode>200</statusCode> <statusText>Ok</statusText> <data><testId>180523_YM_054fd7d84fd4ea7aed237f87289e0c7c</testId> <ownerKey>dfc65d98de13c4770e528ef5b65e9629a52595e9</ownerKey> <jsonUrl>http://www.webpagetest.org/jsonResult.php?test=180523_YM_054fd7d84fd4ea7aed237f87289e0c7c</jsonUrl> </data> </response>'
response = fromstring(string.encode('utf-8'))
elm = response.xpath('/response/data/testId').pop()
testId = elm.text
This way you can search for any element within the xml from the root/parent element via the XPATH.
Side Note: I don't particular like using the pop method to remove the item from a single item list. So if anyone else has a better way to do it please let me know. So far I've consider:
1) elm = next(iter(response.xpath('/response/data/testId')))
2) simply leaving it in a list so it can use as a stararg
I found this article the other day when it appeared on my feed, and it may suit your needs. I skimmed it, but in general the package parses xml data and converts the tags/attributes/values into a dictionary. Additionally, the author points out that it maintains the nesting structure of the xml as well.
for your use case.
>>> xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <statusCode>200</statusCode> <statusText>Ok</statusText> <data> <testId>180523_YM_054fd7d84fd4ea7aed237f87289e0c7c</testId> <ownerKey>dfc65d98de13c4770e528ef5b65e9629a52595e9</ownerKey> <jsonUrl>http://www.webpagetest.org/jsonResult.php?test=180523_YM_054fd7d84fd4ea7aed237f87289e0c7c</jsonUrl> </data> </response>'
>>> root = jxmlease.parse(xml)
>>> testid = root['response']['data']['testId'].get_cdata()
>>> print(testid)
>>> '180523_YM_054fd7d84fd4ea7aed237f87289e0c7c'