say if I have two polygons, their name and coordinates are:
In our human brain, it is easy to know that these two polygons are intersected and calculate the intersection area coordinates, but I want to let our machine know how to calculate the intersection area's coordinates. Basically, I want to know if there is a simple and clear algorithm for this job, if there is already a python library could do this, it will be perfect.
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
p = Polygon([(1,1),(2,2),(4,2),(3,1)])
q = Polygon([(1.5,2),(3,5),(5,4),(3.5,1)])
print(p.intersects(q)) # True
print(p.intersection(q).area) # 1.0
x = p.intersection(q)
print(x) #POLYGON ((1.833333333333333 1.833333333333333, 2 2, 4 2, 3.166666666666667 1.166666666666667, 1.833333333333333 1.833333333333333))
shapely user manual: https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html
from turfpy.transformation import intersect
from turfpy.measurement import area
from geojson import Feature
f = Feature(geometry={"coordinates": [
[[-122.801742, 45.48565], [-122.801742, 45.60491],
[-122.584762, 45.60491], [-122.584762, 45.48565],
[-122.801742, 45.48565]]], "type": "Polygon"})
b = Feature(geometry={"coordinates": [
[[-122.520217, 45.535693], [-122.64038, 45.553967],
[-122.720031, 45.526554], [-122.669906, 45.507309],
[-122.723464, 45.446643], [-122.532577, 45.408574],
[-122.487258, 45.477466], [-122.520217, 45.535693]
]], "type": "Polygon"})
inter = intersect([f, b])
You can use Turfpy which is a library that contains various functionalities Turfpy