I have tried to password protect a single file using .htaccess. But when accessing the file the browser just redirects to the home page of the website. I have my .htpasswd on my webroot. My .htaccess file is given below
<FilesMatch "result.php">
AuthName "Member Only"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/username/.htpasswd
require valid-user
I want to protect the file result.php. I have replaced username with my exact cpanel username. Someone please help
<FilesMatch "results.php">
AuthName "Member Only"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/username/public_html/.htpasswd
require valid-user
- have to put a full absolute path of the password directory
Here is an example
# password protect single file
<IfModule mod_auth.c>
<Files "protected.html">
AuthName "Username and password required"
AuthUserFile /home/path/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
AuthType Basic