I have the below code:
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
tickers=['WBA', 'HD']
df = yf.download(tickers,group_by=tickers,start=start,end=end,interval='5m')
df['h-pc']=abs (df.High-df['Adj Close'].shift(1))
df['l-pc']=abs(df.Low-df['Adj Close'].shift(1))
df['atr']=df['tr'].rolling(window=n, min_periods=n).mean()
When I am trying to run it I am getting the below mentioned error:
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'High'
I tried using this code:
df = df.stack(level=0).rename_axis(['Date', 'Ticker']).reset_index(level=1)
the report extracted has mathematical errors as there is no separation between the tickers.
When I actually need is for each and every ticker mentioned in the tickers list it should create a column where called "h-l" where it subtracts the high of that row with the low of that row and so on.
Option 1: Multi-Level Column Names
- Multi-level columns are accessed by passing a tuple
df[('WMB', 'High')]
- Package versions used
at least'1.0.5'
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
end = datetime.today()
start = end - timedelta(59)
tickers = ['WBA', 'HD']
df = yf.download(tickers,group_by=tickers,start=start,end=end,interval='5m')
# iterate over level 0 ticker names
for ticker in tickers:
df[(ticker, 'h-l')] = abs(df[(ticker, 'High')] - df[(ticker, 'Low')])
df[(ticker, 'h-pc')] = abs(df[(ticker, 'High')] - df[(ticker, 'Adj Close')].shift(1))
df[(ticker, 'l-pc')] = abs(df[(ticker, 'Low')] - df[(ticker, 'Adj Close')].shift(1))
df[(ticker, 'tr')] = df[[(ticker, 'h-l'), (ticker, 'h-pc'), (ticker, 'l-pc')]].max(axis=1)
# df[(ticker, 'atr')] = df[(ticker, 'tr')].rolling(window=n, min_periods=n).mean() # not included becasue n is not defined
# sort the columns
df = df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1)
# display(df.head())
Adj Close Close High Low Open Volume h-l h-pc l-pc tr Adj Close Close High Low Open Volume h-l h-pc l-pc tr
2020-06-08 09:30:00-04:00 253.937500 253.937500 253.960007 252.360001 252.490005 210260.0 1.600006 NaN NaN 1.600006 46.049999 46.049999 46.070000 45.490002 45.490002 239860.0 0.579998 NaN NaN 0.579998
2020-06-08 09:35:00-04:00 253.470001 253.470001 254.339996 253.220093 253.990005 95906.0 1.119904 0.402496 0.717407 1.119904 46.330002 46.330002 46.330002 46.040001 46.070000 104259.0 0.290001 0.280003 0.009998 0.290001
2020-06-08 09:40:00-04:00 253.580002 253.580002 253.829895 252.955002 253.429993 55868.0 0.874893 0.359894 0.514999 0.874893 46.610001 46.610001 46.660000 46.240002 46.330002 113174.0 0.419998 0.329998 0.090000 0.419998
2020-06-08 09:45:00-04:00 253.740005 253.740005 253.929993 253.289993 253.529999 61892.0 0.639999 0.349991 0.290009 0.639999 46.880001 46.880001 46.950001 46.624100 46.624100 121388.0 0.325901 0.340000 0.014099 0.340000
2020-06-08 09:50:00-04:00 253.703400 253.703400 253.910004 253.419998 253.740005 60809.0 0.490005 0.169998 0.320007 0.490005 46.919998 46.919998 46.990002 46.820000 46.880001 154239.0 0.170002 0.110001 0.060001 0.170002
Option 2: Single-Level Column Names
- As demonstrated in How to deal with multi-level column names downloaded with yfinance?, it's easier to deal with single-level column names.
- With the tickers in a column instead of a multi-level column headers, use
on theTicker
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
tickerStrings = ['WBA', 'HD']
df = yf.download(tickers, group_by='Ticker', start=start ,end=end, interval='5m')
# create single level column names
df = df.stack(level=0).rename_axis(['Date', 'Ticker']).reset_index(level=1)
# function with calculations
def my_calculations(df):
df['h-pc']=abs(df.High-df['Adj Close'].shift(1))
df['l-pc']=abs(df.Low-df['Adj Close'].shift(1))
# df['atr']=df['tr'].rolling(window=n, min_periods=n).mean() # n is not defined in the question
return df
# apply the function
df_updated = df.reset_index().groupby('Ticker').apply(my_calculations).sort_values(['Ticker', 'Date'])