
自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-08-05 15:56:31

给定数据集格式为[ 英文+"\t" + 中文

He knows better than to marry her.    他聰明到不會娶她。
He had hoped to succeed, but he didn't.    他本希望可以成功,但是他没有。


train_file = 'data/translate_train.txt'
dev_file = 'data/translate_dev.txt'

def load_data(filename):
    cn = []
    en = []
    num_examples = 0
    with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip().split('\t')
            en.append(["BOS"] + nltk.word_tokenize(line[0].lower()) + ['EOS'])
            cn.append(["BOS"] + [c for c in line[1]] + ['EOS'])

    return en, cn

train_en, train_cn = load_data(train_file)
dev_en, dev_cn = load_data(dev_file)


from collections import Counter


def build_dict(sentences, max_words=50000):
    word_count = Counter()
    for sentence in sentences:
        for s in sentence:
            word_count[s] += 1

    ls = word_count.most_common(max_words)
    total_words = len(ls) + 2
    word_dict = {w[0]: index+2 for index, w in enumerate(ls)}
    word_dict['UNK'] = UNK_IDX
    word_dict['PAD'] = PAD_IDX
    return word_dict, total_words

en_dict, en_total_words = build_dict(train_en)
cn_dict, cn_total_words = build_dict(train_cn)
inv_en_dict = {v: k for k, v in en_dict.items()}
inv_cn_dict = {v: k for k, v in cn_dict.items()}



def encode(en_sentences, cn_sentences, en_dict, cn_dict, sort_by_len=True):
    length = len(en_sentences)
    out_en_sentences = [[en_dict.get(w, UNK_IDX) for w in sent] for sent in en_sentences]
    out_cn_sentences = [[cn_dict.get(w, UNK_IDX) for w in sent] for sent in cn_sentences]

    def len_argsort(seq, descending=False):
        return sorted(range(len(seq)), key=lambda x: len(seq[x]), reverse=descending)

    if sort_by_len:
        sorted_index = len_argsort(out_en_sentences)
        out_en_sentences = [out_en_sentences[i] for i in sorted_index]
        out_cn_sentences = [out_cn_sentences[i] for i in sorted_index]

    return out_en_sentences, out_cn_sentences

train_en, train_cn = encode(train_en, train_cn, en_dict, cn_dict)
dev_en, dev_cn = encode(dev_en, dev_cn, en_dict, cn_dict)


划分数据返回的数据格式为列表,列表成员为元组类型,元组成为为(X_data, X_len, Y_data, Y_len), 其中X_data表示batchSize个英文句子,Y_data为对应的中文翻译。

X_data.shape=(batchSize, en_seq) 

x_len.shape=(batchSize, en_seq_len)

y_data.shape=(batchSize, cn_seq) 

y_len.shape=(batchSize, cn_seq_len)

(1) 生成batch


import numpy as np

def get_mini_batches(n, batch_size, shuffle=False):
    idx_list = np.arange(0, n, batch_size) # [0, 1, ..., n-1]
    if shuffle:
    mini_batches = []
    for idx in idx_list:
        mini_batches.append(np.arange(idx, min(idx + batch_size, n)))
    return mini_batches

data_len = 100
batch_size = 12

[ array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11]), 
  array([12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]), 
  array([84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95]), 
  array([96, 97, 98, 99]) 
print(get_mini_batches(data_len, batch_size))

(2) 统一每个batch的英文句子的长度,进行补零操作

import numpy as np

seqs = [[1, 3, 4, 12, 3],
    [2, 34, 3, 1],
    [12, 34, 1],

def prepare_data(seqs):
    lengths = [len(seq) for seq in seqs]
    n_samples = len(seqs)
    max_len = np.max(lengths)

    x = np.zeros((n_samples, max_len)).astype('int32')
    x_lengths = np.array(lengths).astype("int32")
    for idx, seq in enumerate(seqs):
        x[idx, :lengths[idx]] = seq
    return x, x_lengths    #x_mask

x = [[ 1  3  4 12  3]
 [ 2 34  3  1  0]
 [12 34  1  0  0]
 [ 2  0  0  0  0]]
x_len = [5 4 3 1]
x, x_len = prepare_data(seqs)

(3) 构造数据集

en_sentences: 英文的list列表类型,成员为由字符索引构成的list

cn_sentences: 中文的list列表类型,成员为由字符索引构成的list

def gen_examples(en_sentences, cn_sentences, batch_size):
    minibatches = get_mini_batches(len(en_sentences), batch_size)
    all_ex = []
    for minibatch in minibatches:
        mb_en_sentences = [en_sentences[t] for t in minibatch]
        mb_cn_sentences = [cn_sentences[t] for t in minibatch]
        mb_x, mb_x_len = prepare_data(mb_en_sentences)
        mb_y, mb_y_len = prepare_data(mb_cn_sentences)
        all_ex.append((mb_x, mb_x_len, mb_y, mb_y_len))
    return all_ex

