《程序员修炼之道 从小工到专家》摘抄

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-07-27 13:07:02
  1. 在所有弱点中,最大的弱点就是害怕暴露弱点。
  2. Provide Options,Don't make lame excuses.
  3. Don't live with broken windows.
  4. Be a catalyst for change.
  5. Remember the big picture.
  6. 欲求更好,常把好事变糟。
  7. Make quality a requirements issue.
  8. 知识上的投资总能得到最好的回报。
  9. Invest regularly in your knowledge portolio.
  10. Critically analyze what you read and hear.
  11. 我相信,被打量比被忽略要好。
  12. What do you want them to learn?
  13. What is their interest in what you've got to say?
  14. How sophisticated are they?
  15. How much detail do they want?
  16. Whom do you want to own the information?
  17. How can you motivate them to listen to you?
  18. It's both what you say the way you say it
  19. 了解你的听众们,好好沟通,多倾听。
  20. DRY Don't Repeat Yourself
  21. 糟糕的代码才需要过多的注释
  22. Make it easy to reuse.
  23. 在计算机技术中,正交性用于表示某种不相依赖性或是解耦性。
  24. Eliminate Effects Between Unrelated Things.
  25. 如果你编写正交的系统,你得到两个主要的好处:提高生产率与降低风险。
  26. 养成不断地批判对待自己的代码的习惯,寻找任何重新进行组织、以改善其结构和正交性的机会,这个过程叫做重构(refactoring)
  27. There are no final decisions
  28. Prototype to learn
  29. 语言的界限就是一个人的世界的界限
  30. Program close to the problem domain
  31. Estimate to avoid surprises
  32. 我们在开始估算之前,最好先问问做过这个事情的人。
  33. iterate the schedule with the code
  34. Keep knowledge in plain text
  35. Use the power of command shells
  36. Use a single editor well
  37. 进步远非由变化组成,而是取决于好记性。不能记住过去的人,被判重复过去。
  38. Always use source code control
  39. Fix the problem , not the blame
  40. Don't panic
  41. Don't assume it --- prove it!
  42. Learn a text manipulation language
  43. Write code that wirtes code
  44. You can't write perfect software
  45. If it can't happen , use assertions to ensure that it won't.
  46. Use exceptions for exceptional problems
  47. Minimize coupling between modules
  48. Configure ,Don't integrate
  49. Put abstractions in code , details in metadata
  50. Analyze workflow to improve concurrency
  51. Design using services
  52. Always design for concurrency
  53. Separate views from models
  54. Use Blackboards to coordinate workflow.
  55. Don't program by coincidence.
  56. Refactor early,refactor often
  57. Design to test
  58. Don't use wizard code you don't understand
  59. Work with a user to think like a user
  60. Abstractions live longer than details
  61. Use a project glossary
  62. Organize around functionality,Not job functions