I have a very simple problem, i'm making a function that receives some floating point numbers and make a couple of operations with them at the beggining. Something like this:
function x {
# here i need a ratio, so i do, let's say..
sum=$(($A + $B))
C=$(($A / $sum))
[lots of code here]
The problem is that $1 and $2 are floating point numbers, or even if they're ints, the ratio it's very likely not to be an int, so i don't know how to operate them under bash.
I tried with a bc pipe when defining the sum and the ratio, but it outputs nothing.
Any idea is welcome! Thanks!
is a good idea. I don't know what you've tried; one way to do it is
C=$(echo "$A / $sum" | bc -l)
With bc;
var=$(echo "scale=10; $A / $num" | bc)
echo $var
Note the scale
parameter to tell bc how many decimal you want