Hi I have an xml like this:
<ns1:books><ns2:book category="WEB"><ns3:title lang="en">Learning XML</ns3:title>
<ns3:author>Erik T. Ray</ns3:author><ns3:year>2003</ns3:year><ns3:price>39.95</price>
Using Saxon xquery I want to remove the ns3:author element, could anyone let me know how can I do it ?
I know there is a fn:remove(..) method but I don't want to use that as it takes an integer as a 2nd argument
Any complete code will be much appreciated
Also with saxon I am facing the error like
Caused by: net.sf.saxon.trans.StaticError: XQuery syntax error in #...nt-node() external; copy $temp#: Unexpected token "$" beyond end of query
and I used the xml
declare namespace soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"; declare namespace reg="http://www.mycompany.com/internal/xsd/registrationservice"; declare namespace reg1="http://www.mycompany.com/internal/xsd/registrationtypes";
declare variable $RegistrationServiceRequest := <reg:RegistrationServiceRequest><reg1:RegistrationAttributes> <reg1:Username>fdf</reg1:Username><reg1:Password>passwdfdford1</reg1:Password> <reg1:Title>Mdfdfr</reg1:Title><reg1:FirstName>fdsfdsfsd</reg1:FirstName>
</reg1:RegistrationAttributes><reg1:AutoLogin> <reg1:AutoLogin1>trtrtrt</reg1:AutoLogin1></reg1:AutoLogin>
copy $temp := $RegistrationServiceRequest
modify delete node $temp/reg1:AutoLogin
return $temp
but when i tried with zorba it worked fine , the only problem is with the saxon and the error is at copy line
Any idea how to fix this ?
Thanks S
If you want to make a small change to a document, XQuery is not your best choice. You can do it with XQuery update, or you can do it with XSLT. Doing it with XQuery alone is possible, but very cumbersome.
You can use XQuery Update to do this:
copy $n := $data modify delete node $n/ns2:book/ns3:author return $n
You can try this example live at http://www.zorba-xquery.com/html/demo#JTJCK3mGQJgLav/2uOtgldoTYoM=
Or remove the element by using XQuery Scripting:
delete node $data/ns2:book/ns3:author;
You can try this example live at http://www.zorba-xquery.com/html/demo#QEuf9N5OLfD87WarBscHKrRrwm0=