I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008.
I have data that looks like this:
Client ID Value
12345 Did Not Meet
12345 Did Not Meet
12345 Partially Met
12346 Partially Met
12346 Partially Met
12346 Partially Met
12347 Partially Met
12347 Partially Met
12347 Did Not Meet
12347 Met
and I'd like the results to appear like this:
Client ID Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4
12345 Did Not Meet Did Not Meet Partially Met NULL
12346 Partially Met Partially Met Partially Met NULL
12347 Partially Met Partially Met Did Not Meet Met
The columns are unknown so I know I need a dynamic query. I have tried a dynamic query with a pivot function but only got groupings under the same type of value. So the aggregate function worked against me.
This was the query I tried:
Declare @Columns nvarchar(max);
Declare @DynamicPivotQuery nvarchar(max);
Select @Columns=
from (select distinct Document.Value
from Document d
join Client c on d.clientid=c.id
as t1
Set @DynamicPivotQuery=
N'Select ClientID, ' + @Columns + '
(select Document.ClientID,
from Document d
join Client c on d.clientid=c.id
) p
Pivot (max(Value) for Value in ('+@Columns+'))
as pivottable
order by ClientID;'
Exec (@DynamicPivotQuery)
Next I added the row_number and partition functions but can't seem to debug this. The error I get is:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 29
Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Which is near the XML Path function.
Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
select @Columns=
from (select distinct Document.Value
, 'name'+ CAST (row_number() over
(Partition BY clientid order by clientid) as NVARCHAR (10)) as Cols
from document d
join Clients c on d.clientid=c.id
--FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, N'');
FOR XML PATH('')), TYPE).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'')
order by ClientID
with using a cte
, with row_number
you can achieve the result:
Your Schema:
create table your_table([Client ID] int ,Value varchar(50));
insert into your_table values
(12345, 'Did Not Meet'),
(12345, 'Did Not Meet'),
(12345, 'Partially Met'),
(12346, 'Partially Met'),
(12346, 'Partially Met'),
(12346, 'Partially Met'),
(12347, 'Partially Met'),
(12347, 'Partially Met'),
(12347, 'Did Not Meet'),
(12347, 'Met');
The query:
with cte as
select [Client ID] ci,value,
row_number() over(partition by [Client ID] order by value) as rn
from your_table
select distinct ci as [Client ID],
(select ct.value from cte ct where ct.ci=cte.ci and ct.rn=1) value1,
(select ct.value from cte ct where ct.ci=cte.ci and ct.rn=2) value2,
(select ct.value from cte ct where ct.ci=cte.ci and ct.rn=3) value3,
(select ct.value from cte ct where ct.ci=cte.ci and ct.rn=4) value4
from cte
The Result:
Client ID value1 value2 value3 value4
12345 Did Not Meet Did Not Meet Partially Met (null)
12346 Partially Met Partially Met Partially Met (null)
12347 Did Not Meet Met Partially Met Partially Met