os.getenv returns empty output - python

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-07-10 10:29:29


I am new to python and encountering some issues while executing os commands.

I have set my environment variables like as shown below

SPARK_HOME = '/opt/spark'
HAIL_HOME  = '/opt/hail/hail'

When I type os.getenv('SPARK_HOME'), I get the below output


But when I type os.getenv('HAIL_HOME'), I get blank output

Please note that I type the above two commands from a virtual environment using jupyter notebook.

  1. Why it works for spark and returns empty for hail

Can guide me with this issue?


Based on our discussion on chat, identified several issues.

Variable setting is confused with env variable setting. So correct way to set them should be like:

os.putenv('SPARK_HOME', '/opt/spark')
os.putenv('HAIL_HOME', '/opt/hail/hail')

Even the mistaken env variable set attempts, SPARK_HOME shows the correct value because jupyter process inherits that variable from the shell.

