I'm not sure this is possible, but I'm wondering if you can remove some of the not-as-interesting plots from the plot(allEffects(model)) output. I assume this is possible by editing some of the background mechanics that R uses to make the array of graphs. I've already used multiline to reduce the number of graphs from 20, but I'm only interested in 2 of 10 of my remaining plots because it most accurately represents one of my interaction effects from my model (generalized linear mixed model).
Example code:
glmer1 <- glmer(dv ~ categoricalv1*dimensionalv1*categoricalv2*dimensionalv2 + (1 | subjectID), data = data1, family = binomial, contrasts=contrasts1, control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))
When I view the values within the all effects function:
model: dv ~ categoricalv1 * dimensionalv2 * categoricalv2 * dimensionalv2
R is clearly reading the values from the output to produce 10 graphs:
catv1*dimv1*catv2*dimv2 effect, , catv2 = 0, dimv2 = -4 ...
catv1 -2 -0.7 0.5 2 3
dv level1 0.269329 0.4296272 0.5929832 0.7686877 0.8520351
dv level2 0.730671 0.5703728 0.4070168 0.2313123 0.1479649
... (x9 more times to show all the different combinations)
Code for the plot (so far):
plot(allEffects(model), ylab="Proportion", xlab="Standardized Dimensional V1", main="",
type="rescale", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, ci.style="band")
Hopefully there is a way to edit something to only show the plot I'm interested in. Any insights would be appreciated :)
Use the function selection=2
plot(allEffects(model), ylab="Proportion", **selection=2**, xlab="Standardized Dimensional V1", main="", type="rescale", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, ci.style="band")
for example;
model2<-plot(allEffects(model), selection=2)
model6<-plot(allEffects(model), selection=6)
if you want to combine different plots you can use
grid.arrange( model2, model6, nrow=1, ncol=2)