Show products from above 99$ price in Woocommerce using shortcode or php code

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-07-04 04:21:05


I am searching for a conditional shortcode based on product price. I have 2k+ products on Woocommerce now and I want to show products above 99$ price from a specific category and from whole products.

How can I apply this conditions in the shortcode? Is there any way to do this?

Actually, I want to apply in a widget, so shortcode form will work.

Below is simple shortcode to show products but I want to apply this needed condition:

[products limit="10" columns="4" category="hoodies, tshirts"]

Any help will be appreciated.


Update on August 2018: (added 'type' => 'DECIMAL', to the meta_query array)

For WooCommerce 3.3+ you can better use:
Display on a page all products below a specific price in Woocommerce

This is possible tweaking the shortcode with a fake category that contain the price like for your case: price-above-99 where 'above' will be the operator '>' and '99' the price amount. The operator can also be:

  • price-below-20 ( where 'below' the operator '<' and '20' the price amount ).
  • price-equal-25 ( where 'below' the operator '=' and '25' the price amount ).

Now your shortcode (with the fake category) will be:

[products limit="10" columns="4" category="hoodies, tshirts, price-above-99"]

Here is the code of the function that will allow that:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_shortcode_products_query', 'shortcode_products_price', 10, 3 );
function shortcode_products_price( $query_args, $atts, $loop_name ) {
    $has_price = false;
    $compare = $price = '';
    $categories = $atts['category'];
    $categories = str_replace(' ', '', $categories);
    $categories_array = explode(',', $categories);
    if( count($categories_array) > 0 )
        foreach( $categories_array as $category )
            if (strpos($category, 'price-') !== false) {
                $has_price = true;
                $values = explode('-', $category);
                if( 'above' == $values[1] ) $compare = '>';
                elseif( 'below' == $values[1] ) $compare = '<';
                else $compare = '=';
                $price = $values[2];

    if( $has_price )
        $query_args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key'     => '_price',
            'value'   => $price,
            'type'    => 'DECIMAL', // <== Updated
            'compare' => $compare,

    return $query_args;

Code goes in function.php file of the active child theme (or active theme).

It works quiet well on simple products, but for variable products, as they have many prices, it will take the highest price (in your case)...

If you want to exclude variable products you will replace the meta query array $query_args['meta_query'] by this:

if( $has_price )
    $query_args['meta_query'][] = array(
        'relation' => 'OR',
            'key'     => '_regular_price',
            'value'   => $price,
            'type'    => 'DECIMAL', // <== Updated
            'compare' => $compare,
            'key'     => '_sale_price',
            'value'   => $price,
            'type'    => 'DECIMAL', // <== Updated
            'compare' => $compare,

This will remove variable products …

