Can someone explain what is happening at every step? I know the final output is 140.5, but I am unsure why that is. What is happening at each line that is resulting in 140.5?
#define PI 3.1
#define calcCircleArea(r) (PI * (r) * (r))
#define calcCylinderArea(r,h) (calcCircleArea(r) * h)
int main() {
double i = calcCylinderArea(3.0,5.0 + 1); printf("%g", i);
Step 0
Step 1
notice that it is not (5.0+1)
Problem begins here.
Step 2
Step 3
calcCylinderArea(3.0,5.0 + 1) is evaluated as: calcCircleArea(3.0) * 5.0 + 1 which is evaluated as: PI * 3.0 * 3.0 * 5.0 + 1 which is 140.5
multiplication is done before addition
To fix the issue change the line to: calcCylinderArea(3.0,(5.0 + 1)) so that the addition is done first.