Get the link of question and answer at user level using Stack Exchange API

别来无恙 提交于 2020-06-28 09:22:01


Based on my previous question, I am able to get the list of all unaccepted answers within a date range at the user level using Stack Exchange API with the following curl command :

curl "" | gunzip | jq '.items[] | select(.is_accepted == false)'

The JSON response for the above command is something like this :

  "owner": {
    "reputation": 1595,
    "user_id": 10348758,
    "user_type": "registered",
    "profile_image": "",
    "display_name": "Bhavya",
    "link": ""
  "is_accepted": false,
  "score": 0,
  "last_activity_date": 1592102481,
  "creation_date": 1592102481,
  "answer_id": 62367766,
  "question_id": 62367395,
  "content_license": "CC BY-SA 4.0"

In the above response, I am getting answer_id and question_id, the links to these answers and questions are not included in the response.

By including &filter=withbody, in the curl command I am able to get the body of answer.The modified curl command is :

curl "" | gunzip | jq '.items[] | select(.is_accepted == false)'

Is there any way, I can get the links of the answer and question included in the response? I referred to these custom filters documentation, but I am not able to understand how to apply them.

Can anyone help me with this?


How about this answer?

Your current situation is as follows.

  1. The retrieved values from your URL includes both answer_id and question_id. In this case, the URLs for answer and question can be created like{answer_id} and{question_id}, respectively. I have mentioned at here.
  2. In your curl command, jq is used like jq '.items[] | select(.is_accepted == false)'.

From above situation, in this answer, I would like to propose to add the URLs of answer and question to the retrieved values by adding parameter to jq.

Modified jq command:

In this case, the modified jq command is as follows.

jq '[.items[] | select(.is_accepted == false) |= . + {"answerUrl": ("" + (.answer_id|tostring)), "questionUrl": ("" + (.question_id|tostring))}]'

Modified curl command:

When your curl command is modified, it becomes as follows.

curl "" | gunzip | jq '[.items[] | select(.is_accepted == false) |= . + {"answerUrl": ("" + (.answer_id|tostring)), "questionUrl": ("" + (.question_id|tostring))}]'


When above modified curl command is run, the following result is retrieved. You can see the values of answerUrl and questionUrl in the result.

    "owner": {###},
    "is_accepted": false,
    "score": ###,
    "last_activity_date": ###,
    "creation_date": ###,
    "answer_id": ###,
    "question_id": ###,
    "content_license": "###",
    "answerUrl": "",  <--- Added
    "questionUrl": ""  <--- Added


  • Usage of /answers/{ids}
  • jq


When you want to include the title to the retrieved values, please use the custom filter as follows.

Modified jq command:

curl "" | gunzip | jq '[.items[] | select(.is_accepted == false)]'
  • In this case, the filter of filter=%21T%2AhPUiv_%28m%28rgrhfg_ is added as the query parameter. By this, the title is added. In this custom filter, title,link,.share_link are included. By this, the title, answer and question links are included in the returned values. So the command of jq can be simpler.


  • Custom Filters

