What I am trying to do is create a chrome extension that creates new, nested, bookmark folders, using promises.
The function to do this is chrome.bookmarks.create(). However I cannot just loop this function, because chrome.bookmarks.create is asynchronous. I need to wait until the folder is created, and get its new ID, before going on to its children.
Promises seem to be the way to go. Unfortunately I cannot find a minimal working example using an asynchronous call with its own callback like chrome.bookmarks.create.
I have read some tutorials 1, 2, 3, 4. I have searched stackOverflow but all the questions do not seem to be about plain vanilla promises with the chrome extension library.
I do not want to use a plugin or library: no node.js or jquery or Q or whatever.
I have tried following the examples in the tutorials but many things do not make sense. For example, the tutorial states:
The promise constructor takes one argument—a callback with two parameters: resolve and reject.
But then I see examples like this:
const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
How this works is a mystery to me.
Also, how can you call resolve() when its never been defined? No example in the tutorials seem to match real life code. Another example is:
function isUserTooYoung(id) { return openDatabase() // returns a promise .then(function(col) {return find(col, {'id': id});})
How do I pass in col, or get any results!
So if anyone can give me a minimal working example of promises with an asynchronous function with its own callback, it would be greatly appreciated.
SO wants code, so here is my non-working attempt:
//loop through all
function createBookmarks(nodes, parentid){
var jlen = nodes.length;
var i;
var node;
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
var node = nodes[i];
createBookmark(node, parentid);
//singular create
function createBookmark(node, parentid){
var bookmark = {
parentId : parentid,
index : node['index'],
title : node['title'],
url : node['url']
var callback = function(result){
console.log("creation callback happened.");
return result.id; //pass ID to the callback, too
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var newid = chrome.bookmarks.create(bookmark, callback)
if (newid){
console.log("Creating children with new id: " + newid);
resolve( createBookmarks(bookmark.children, newid));
//allnodes already exists
Just doesn't work. The result from the callback is always undefined, which it should be, and I do not see how a promise object changes anything. I am equally mystified when I try to use promise.then().
var newid = promise.then( //wait for a response?
return chrome.bookmarks.create(bookmark, callback);
console.log("error " + error);
if (node.children) createBookmarks(node.children, newid);
Again, newid is always undefined, because of course bookmarks.create() is asynchronous.
Thank you for any help you can offer.
Honestly, you should just use the web extension polyfill. Manually promisifying the chrome APIs is a waste of time and error prone.
If you're absolutely insistent, this is an example of how you'd promisify chrome.bookmarks.create. For other chrome.* APIs, you also have to reject the callback's error argument.
function createBookmark(bookmark) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
chrome.bookmarks.create(bookmark, function (result) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) reject(chrome.runtime.lastError)
else resolve(result)
} catch (error) {
.then(function (result) {
}).catch(function (error) {
To create multiple bookmarks, you could then:
function createBookmarks(bookmarks) {
return Promise.all(
bookmarks.map(function (bookmark) {
return createBookmark(bookmark)
createBookmarks([{}, {}, {}, {}])
.catch(function (error) {