I'm a beginner in python trying to create a RPS game where human is playing against a computer. The game is created such that it would be played over a number of determined rounds (best of 3 rounds). A draw is considered a point for each side.
My problem is setting the while condition. Initially I did this:
while (player_count + computer_count) != winning_score :
where the game ends when all round are played. However there will be instances where not all rounds needs to be played and the winner can already be determined (because of draws, each player will get a point).
How do I change the while condition such that when either players get winning_score/2 + 1
, the game ends?
hi you can probably do it like this
winning_count = winning_score/2+1
while(player_count < winning_count) and (computer_count < winning_count):
Once either the player win or the computer win is more than the winning count, it goes to False and the loop breaks
Just in case you want to have another perspective on how to implement the game (and how to determine the winner), I exhort you to play with the following version:
import random
options = {1: 'Rock', 2: 'Scissors', 3: 'Paper'}
def play():
score = [0, 0]
while not any(wins == 3 for wins in score):
print(f'SCORE\tUser: {score[0]} - PC: {score[1]}')
user_selection = int(input('Enter your selection:{}> '.format(
''.join([f'\n{n}: {option}\n' for n, option in options.items()]))))
pc_selection = random.randint(1, 3)
print(f'{options[user_selection]} vs. {options[pc_selection]}')
if user_selection in (pc_selection - 1, pc_selection + 2):
print('User wins')
score[0] += 1
elif user_selection == pc_selection:
print('PC Wins')
score[1] += 1
input('\n_____ ENTER TO PROCEED _____')
winner = 'User' if score[0] == 3 else 'PC'
print(f'\n{winner} won the match!')
Hopefully you will find here something useful and new for your learning process.