Android - use ant to create build configurations that change configuration values

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-11-27 18:52:05

As answers mentioned above says, you have to place the URLs in a property file like,, etc..

Now only thing that you need to do is making your build intelligent enough to choose a property file depending upon environment.

That can be done by passing a parameter to ANT, something like:

$ ant -file MyBuild.xml -DcurrentEnv=dev (For Development environment)
$ ant -file MyBuild.xml -DcurrentEnv=test (For Test)
$ ant -file MyBuild.xml -DcurrentEnv=prod (For Production)

Inside your build script, this is how you can include your property file:

<target name="jarMe">
    <jar destfile="sample.jar" basedir="src" includes="${currentEnv}.properties"/>

With this in place, whatever name you supply at the time of build, property file with that name will be picked up.

You could try to have a following property file in your file:


And you could have http://localhost:1234 or in for your development and integration testing, and it could be set to in

By do ing this, you have will get different value for service.url in different build environment. You could use that value to generate a config file, and parse it into your code, or set it to env variable, or just put it into a resource file, and Android will read it for you:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="service-url">@@toben_to_be_replaced_during_build_time@@</string>

I would start by placing the urls into a properties file that you can then place onto the classpath. Make a test and a production properties file. Then depending on the build place the correct file onto the classpath and pull the properties at runtime.

Found a tutorial which goes through all the details of using ant to automate a build system, to create and use build configurations, as well as to build the release project with one command. Here it is:

Seems a little long, but it goes through all the steps and details involved.
