I have an installation with TYPO3 9LTS where all URls show the start page after the last deployment.
Our system has a deployment in three steps: dev, test, prod.
I have build new features on dev and got it working so I deployed it to the test system (including an update to the latest version 9.5.18 of TYPO3). On the testsystem (which worked nicely before) I can see only the startpage as all URLs (which are calculated correctly) result in showing the startpage.
With ext:realurl
I cold inspect the array $_GET
to inspect which paramters realurl has decoded.
Where does TYPO3 store the detected page uid and possible other parameters?
Maybe I have some errors in the YAML configuration of the routeEnhancers.
How can I detect errors in the routeEnhancers configuration? (although the same configuration works on the dev system)
As there are multiple answers hinting to uniqueInSite
: maybe there are multiple errors, but I have one solution which makes my installation work: I can't use conditions for the domain.
I leave the question open/ unanswered as long as there is no solution to systematicly find an error in URL-resolving.
There might be also problems with the uniqueInSite
, but that results normaly in a 404 which is handled separately and which nomaly does not result in the startpage to display.
I've been debugging an error on one of out installations for 5hours today, and this sounds extremely alike, so maybe this gets you on the right way.
After upgrading from 9.5.15 to 9.5.16 suddenly some Links stopped working erratically. ErrorAHndling wasn't set up so the error resulted in redirection to the root page. The generation of the URLs was fine, but resolving didn't work. The RouteEnhancer in question is PersistedAliasMapper, for example, with the following configuration:
type: Extbase
extension: News
plugin: Pi1
routePath: '/{news-title}'
_controller: 'News::detail'
news-title: news
defaultController: 'News::detail'
type: PersistedAliasMapper
tableName: tx_news_domain_model_news
routeFieldName: path_segment
This is the configuration for news, basically copy-pasted from the example. It is used in my case to map globally used entities. This worked perfectly before.
An (afaik) undocumented change as of two months ago introduced this bit of code:
// limit results to be contained in rootPageId of current Site
// (which is defining the route configuration currently being processed)
if ($this->slugUniqueInSite) {
$results = array_values($this->filterContainedInSite($results));
The problem is, that this treats all entities with the eval containing uniqueInSite as being limited to the site. My installation uses entities of many domain models on a global page above all sites. These were no longer found.
So, again, not sure if this is the problem for you. But if this doesn't help, you can try to go the same route as I did: Look up the source on github for the Mapper in question and refer to the changes in a certain time frame.
In the migration to version 9.x all pages gets a slug. See: \TYPO3\CMS\Install\Updates\PopulatePageSlugs.
Which page to redirect to is done in: typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Routing/SiteMatcher.php:104
We've got the same problem.
It's caused by [BUGFIX] Respect site for route persisted mappers.
See https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/commit/2a1bda4f7dd33dfdcd0782afd49924925a623511
We temporary fixed this by changing the TCA config of tt_news
--- Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tx_news_domain_model_news.php.org 2020-05-27 16:34:07.544603640 +0200
+++ Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tx_news_domain_model_news.php 2020-05-27 16:29:16.763232655 +0200
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
'fallbackCharacter' => '-',
- 'eval' => 'uniqueInSite',
+ 'eval' => 'uniqueInPid',
'default' => ''
Check your TCA. You might have 'eval' => 'uniqueInSite'
That will cause a 404 if your model object records are stored outside of the root page where you inserted the plugin.
This happened for me after upgrading from 9.5.15 to 9.5.18. Check the j4k3's answer for the change in the core.
Setting 'eval' => 'unique'
should fix it in that case.