I have implemented a room database which is distributed from a resource file using SQLiteAssetHelper the first time the app is started.
The database contains game status data so if the Player wants to start all over again, I want to copy again the database file from the resource and overwrite the "local/internal" file.
So my idea was to delete the interal db-file so that SQLiteAssetHelper
will copy the Initial database from the resource again.
Thank you!
Here's a working example:
public static void deleteDatabaseFile(Context context, String databaseName) {
File databases = new File(context.getApplicationInfo().dataDir + "/databases");
File db = new File(databases, databaseName);
if (db.delete())
System.out.println("Database deleted");
System.out.println("Failed to delete database");
File journal = new File(databases, databaseName + "-journal");
if (journal.exists()) {
if (journal.delete())
System.out.println("Database journal deleted");
System.out.println("Failed to delete database journal");
but honestly I don't think it will be safe nor reliable to delete database in runtime. You would have to ensure nothing is using it and there aren't any open connections with the database.