I opened active directory users and computers, selected builtin and I created a group called Employee, and added my own current user to it. However when checking my groups in code like this I cannot see the Employee group
WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
var myPrincipal = new WindowsPrincipal(identity);
identity.Groups.Select(x => "NTAccounts - " + x.Translate(typeof(NTAccount)).ToString()
and this is all I get, am I doing something wrong ? all I need is to have a few groups with users I can work with..
appreciate your advice
this code pulls information from active directory which is what I needed I just expected it to be at windows identity level, so my bad... resolved
using (var ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "your DC name"))
var myDomainUsers = new List<string>();
var userPrinciple = new UserPrincipal(ctx);
using (var search = new PrincipalSearcher(userPrinciple))
foreach (var domainUser in search.FindAll())
if (domainUser.DisplayName != null)
groupNames.Add("domainUser displayName - " + domainUser.DisplayName);
groupNames.Add("domainUser getGroups - " + domainUser.GetGroups().Select(x => x.Name).ToList().Join(","));