Will AWS Codepipeline pass symlinks to Codebuild in artifacts

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-05-29 10:15:08


I have some symlinks in my github repo.

When I have a Codebuild project that clones directly from github, symlinks are preserved.

I switched so that Codepipeline listens for changes in my dev branch in github, and passes the artifacts to codebuild.

Since making this switch, Codebuild can't see the symlinks anymore.

Is this by design, or am I perhaps missing something in how my codepipeline is configured?


Up to now, AWS CodePipeline doesn't support symlinks in source. Refer to Source artifact doesn't properly handle symlinks or file modes in discussion forums, we can see

We've got a pipeline setup with an initial "Source" stage coming from a private repo on GitHub. The repo contents get zipped up and end up as the first input artifact for the pipeline.

I've noticed a couple of issues with the zip artifact:

1.) Symlinks don't come through as proper symlinks but rather text files with the content being the location that the symlink points to.

Maybe AWS CodePipeline team will fix it in the future.

