Duplicate log entries with Google Cloud Stackdriver logging of Python code on Kubernetes Engine

好久不见. 提交于 2020-05-25 04:29:20


I have a simple Python app running in a container on Google Kubernetes Engine. I am trying to connect the standard Python logging to Google Stackdriver logging using this guide. I have almost succeeded, but I am getting duplicate log entries with one always at the 'error' level...

Screenshot of Stackdriver logs showing duplicate entries

This is my python code that set's up the logging according to the above guide:

import webapp2
from paste import httpserver
import rpc

# Imports the Google Cloud client library
import google.cloud.logging
# Instantiates a client
client = google.cloud.logging.Client()
# Connects the logger to the root logging handler; by default this captures
# all logs at INFO level and higher

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/rpc/([A-Za-z]+)', rpc.RpcHandler),], debug=True)
httpserver.serve(app, host='', port='80')

Here's the code that triggers the logs from the screenshot:

import logging

logging.info("INFO Entering PostEchoPost...")
logging.warning("WARNING Entering PostEchoPost...")
logging.error("ERROR Entering PostEchoPost...")
logging.critical("CRITICAL Entering PostEchoPost...")

Here is the full Stackdriver log, expanded from the screenshot, with an incorrectly interpreted ERROR level:

 insertId:  "1mk4fkaga4m63w1"  
 labels: {
  compute.googleapis.com/resource_name:  "gke-alg-microservice-default-pool-xxxxxxxxxx-ttnz"   
  container.googleapis.com/namespace_name:  "default"   
  container.googleapis.com/pod_name:  "esp-alg-xxxxxxxxxx-xj2p2"   
  container.googleapis.com/stream:  "stderr"   
 logName:  "projects/projectname/logs/algorithm"  
 receiveTimestamp:  "2018-01-03T12:18:22.479058645Z"  
 resource: {
  labels: {
   cluster_name:  "alg-microservice"    
   container_name:  "alg"    
   instance_id:  "703849119xxxxxxxxxx"   
   namespace_id:  "default"    
   pod_id:  "esp-alg-xxxxxxxxxx-xj2p2"    
   project_id:  "projectname"    
   zone:  "europe-west1-b"    
  type:  "container"   
 severity:  "ERROR"  
 textPayload:  "INFO Entering PostEchoPost...
 timestamp:  "2018-01-03T12:18:20Z"  

Here is the the full Stackdriver log, expanded from the screenshot, with a correctly interpreted INFO level:

 insertId:  "1mk4fkaga4m63w0"  
 jsonPayload: {
  message:  "INFO Entering PostEchoPost..."   
  thread:  140348659595008   
 labels: {
  compute.googleapis.com/resource_name:  "gke-alg-microservi-default-pool-xxxxxxxxxx-ttnz"   
  container.googleapis.com/namespace_name:  "default"   
  container.googleapis.com/pod_name:  "esp-alg-xxxxxxxxxx-xj2p2"   
  container.googleapis.com/stream:  "stderr"   
 logName:  "projects/projectname/logs/algorithm"  
 receiveTimestamp:  "2018-01-03T12:18:22.479058645Z"  
 resource: {
  labels: {
   cluster_name:  "alg-microservice"    
   container_name:  "alg"    
   instance_id:  "703849119xxxxxxxxxx"    
   namespace_id:  "default"    
   pod_id:  "esp-alg-xxxxxxxxxx-xj2p2"    
   project_id:  "projectname"    
   zone:  "europe-west1-b"    
  type:  "container"   
 severity:  "INFO"  
 timestamp:  "2018-01-03T12:18:20.260099887Z"  

So, this entry might be the key:

container.googleapis.com/stream:  "stderr" 

It looks like in addition to my logging set-up working, all logs from the container are being send to stderr in the container, and I believe that by default, at least on Kubernetes Container Engine, all stdout/stderr are picked up by Google Stackdriver via FluentD... Having said that, I'm out of my depth at this point.

Any ideas why I am getting these duplicate entries?


Problem is in the way how logging client initializes root logger

    logger = logging.getLogger()

it adds default stream handler in addition to Stackdriver handler. My workaround for now is to initialize appropriate Stackdriver handler manually:

            # this basically manually sets logger compatible with GKE/fluentd
            # as LoggingClient automatically add another StreamHandler - so 
            # log records are duplicated
            from google.cloud.logging.handlers import ContainerEngineHandler
            formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
            handler = ContainerEngineHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
            root = logging.getLogger()


I solved this problem by overwriting the handlers property on my root logger immediately after calling the setup_logging method

import logging
from google.cloud import logging as gcp_logging
from google.cloud.logging.handlers import CloudLoggingHandler, ContainerEngineHandler, AppEngineHandler

logging_client = gcp_logging.Client()
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
# use the GCP handler ONLY in order to prevent logs from getting written to STDERR
root_logger.handlers = [handler
                        for handler in root_logger.handlers
                        if isinstance(handler, (CloudLoggingHandler, ContainerEngineHandler, AppEngineHandler))]

To elaborate on this a bit, the client.setup_logging method sets up 2 handlers, a normal logging.StreamHandler and also a GCP-specific handler. So, logs will go to both stderr and Cloud Logging. You need to remove the stream handler from the handlers list to prevent the duplication.

EDIT: I have filed an issue with Google to add an argument to to make this less hacky.

