I was using aws lambda function in python to stream from DynamoDB to elastic search. This was working for an year but suddenly all lambda function stopped working and the cloudwatch was throwing the below error
Unable to import module 'lambda_function': cannot import name BotocoreHTTPSession
My Lambda function in python2.7 is pasted below
import base64
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import time
import traceback
import urllib
import urlparse
from botocore.auth import SigV4Auth
from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest
from botocore.credentials import get_credentials
from botocore.endpoint import BotocoreHTTPSession
from botocore.session import Session
from boto3.dynamodb.types import TypeDeserializer
# The following parameters are required to configure the ES cluster
ES_ENDPOINT = 'vpc-xxxx-vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.ap-southeast-1.es.amazonaws.com'
# The following parameters can be optionally customized
DOC_TABLE_FORMAT = '{}' # Python formatter to generate index name from the DynamoDB table name
DOC_TYPE_FORMAT = '{}_type' # Python formatter to generate type name from the DynamoDB table name, default is to add '_type' suffix
ES_REGION = None # If not set, use the runtime lambda region
ES_MAX_RETRIES = 3 # Max number of retries for exponential backoff
DEBUG = True # Set verbose debugging information
print "Streaming to ElasticSearch"
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if DEBUG else logging.INFO)
# Subclass of boto's TypeDeserializer for DynamoDB to adjust for DynamoDB Stream format.
class StreamTypeDeserializer(TypeDeserializer):
def _deserialize_n(self, value):
return float(value)
def _deserialize_b(self, value):
return value # Already in Base64
class ES_Exception(Exception):
'''Exception capturing status_code from Client Request'''
status_code = 0
payload = ''
def __init__(self, status_code, payload):
self.status_code = status_code
self.payload = payload
Exception.__init__(self, 'ES_Exception: status_code={}, payload={}'.format(status_code, payload))
# Low-level POST data to Amazon Elasticsearch Service generating a Sigv4 signed request
def post_data_to_es(payload, region, creds, host, path, method='POST', proto='https://'):
'''Post data to ES endpoint with SigV4 signed http headers'''
req = AWSRequest(method=method, url=proto + host + urllib.quote(path), data=payload, headers={'Host': host, 'Content-Type' : 'application/json'})
SigV4Auth(creds, 'es', region).add_auth(req)
http_session = BotocoreHTTPSession()
res = http_session.send(req.prepare())
if res.status_code >= 200 and res.status_code <= 299:
return res._content
raise ES_Exception(res.status_code, res._content)
# High-level POST data to Amazon Elasticsearch Service with exponential backoff
# according to suggested algorithm: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/api-retries.html
def post_to_es(payload):
'''Post data to ES cluster with exponential backoff'''
# Get aws_region and credentials to post signed URL to ES
es_region = ES_REGION or os.environ['AWS_REGION']
session = Session({'region': es_region})
creds = get_credentials(session)
es_url = urlparse.urlparse(ES_ENDPOINT)
es_endpoint = es_url.netloc or es_url.path # Extract the domain name in ES_ENDPOINT
# Post data with exponential backoff
retries = 0
while retries < ES_MAX_RETRIES:
if retries > 0:
seconds = (2 ** retries) * .1
es_ret_str = post_data_to_es(payload, es_region, creds, es_endpoint, '/_bulk')
es_ret = json.loads(es_ret_str)
if es_ret['errors']:
logger.error('ES post unsuccessful, errors present, took=%sms', es_ret['took'])
# Filter errors
es_errors = [item for item in es_ret['items'] if item.get('index').get('error')]
logger.error('List of items with errors: %s', json.dumps(es_errors))
logger.info('ES post successful, took=%sms', es_ret['took'])
break # Sending to ES was ok, break retry loop
except ES_Exception as e:
if (e.status_code >= 500) and (e.status_code <= 599):
retries += 1 # Candidate for retry
raise # Stop retrying, re-raise exception
# Extracts the DynamoDB table from an ARN
# ex: arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789012:table/table-name/stream/2015-11-13T09:23:17.104 should return 'table-name'
def get_table_name_from_arn(arn):
return arn.split(':')[5].split('/')[1]
# Compute a compound doc index from the key(s) of the object in lexicographic order: "k1=key_val1|k2=key_val2"
def compute_doc_index(keys_raw, deserializer):
index = []
for key in sorted(keys_raw):
index.append('{}={}'.format(key, deserializer.deserialize(keys_raw[key])))
return '|'.join(index)
def _lambda_handler(event, context):
records = event['Records']
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
ddb_deserializer = StreamTypeDeserializer()
es_actions = [] # Items to be added/updated/removed from ES - for bulk API
cnt_insert = cnt_modify = cnt_remove = 0
for record in records:
# Handle both native DynamoDB Streams or Streams data from Kinesis (for manual replay)
if record.get('eventSource') == 'aws:dynamodb':
ddb = record['dynamodb']
ddb_table_name = get_table_name_from_arn(record['eventSourceARN'])
doc_seq = ddb['SequenceNumber']
elif record.get('eventSource') == 'aws:kinesis':
ddb = json.loads(base64.b64decode(record['kinesis']['data']))
ddb_table_name = ddb['SourceTable']
doc_seq = record['kinesis']['sequenceNumber']
logger.error('Ignoring non-DynamoDB event sources: %s', record.get('eventSource'))
# Compute DynamoDB table, type and index for item
doc_table = DOC_TABLE_FORMAT.format(ddb_table_name.lower()) # Use formatter
doc_type = DOC_TYPE_FORMAT.format(ddb_table_name.lower()) # Use formatter
doc_index = compute_doc_index(ddb['Keys'], ddb_deserializer)
# Dispatch according to event TYPE
event_name = record['eventName'].upper() # INSERT, MODIFY, REMOVE
# Treat events from a Kinesis stream as INSERTs
if event_name == 'AWS:KINESIS:RECORD':
event_name = 'INSERT'
# Update counters
if event_name == 'INSERT':
cnt_insert += 1
elif event_name == 'MODIFY':
cnt_modify += 1
elif event_name == 'REMOVE':
cnt_remove += 1
logger.warning('Unsupported event_name: %s', event_name)
# If DynamoDB INSERT or MODIFY, send 'index' to ES
if (event_name == 'INSERT') or (event_name == 'MODIFY'):
if 'NewImage' not in ddb:
logger.warning('Cannot process stream if it does not contain NewImage')
# Deserialize DynamoDB type to Python types
doc_fields = ddb_deserializer.deserialize({'M': ddb['NewImage']})
# Add metadata
doc_fields['@timestamp'] = now.isoformat()
doc_fields['@SequenceNumber'] = doc_seq
# Generate JSON payload
doc_json = json.dumps(doc_fields)
# Generate ES payload for item
action = {'index': {'_index': doc_table, '_type': doc_type, '_id': doc_index}}
es_actions.append(json.dumps(action)) # Action line with 'index' directive
es_actions.append(doc_json) # Payload line
# If DynamoDB REMOVE, send 'delete' to ES
elif event_name == 'REMOVE':
action = {'delete': {'_index': doc_table, '_type': doc_type, '_id': doc_index}}
# Prepare bulk payload
es_actions.append('') # Add one empty line to force final \n
es_payload = '\n'.join(es_actions)
post_to_es(es_payload) # Post to ES with exponential backoff
# Global lambda handler - catches all exceptions to avoid dead letter in the DynamoDB Stream
def lambda_handler(event, context):
return _lambda_handler(event, context)
except Exception:
I have also tried the following code but still not working.
from botocore.httpsession import URLLib3Session
It seems the aws have something changed in the Lambda. Any idea how to sort out this?