iOS13 UIAlertController with custom view & preferredStyle as actionsheet grayscale all colors

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-05-16 03:39:08


I'm not exactly sure if it's a bug or a feature, but this code:

let sheet = UIAlertController(customView: awesomeView, preferredStyle: .actionSheet)
present(sheet, animated: true, completion: nil)

in pre-iOS 13 gives me this result:

and on iOS 13:

I.e. all the customview's elements have been grayscale. I've tried to play with Tint/Text/Background/... colors of the buttons / label - in iOS 13 is does no effect at all. In older versions - UI is changing.

The goal: to avoid the grayscale-effect.

Also, I've noticed that if I change the preferredStyle to .alert(instead of .actionSheet) - I get my colors back, but I'd prefer to keep the layout as it is today.

OS: iOS 13 & Xcode 11 - beta 3 (also had exactly the same problem with beta 1 and 2)

The only workaround I see so far is to stay away from UIAlertController, but maybe there's any better way to fix it?


The way you were adding the custom view to the alert controller doesn‘t work anymore. You need to set the view via keypaths instead:

