or-tools NewIntVar seems not supporting int64 in python

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-05-15 21:31:27


Dears, I'm trying to create NewIntVar with lower bound an higher bound equal to the one of the int64:

(-9.223.372.036.854.775.808 to +9.223.372.036.854.775.807)

But I get the Model invalid error when I try to solve the model. The max range I found as working (trying manually) is the following model.NewIntVar(-93.372.036.854.775.808, 9.123.372.036.854.775.807,'pippo')

Do you know why int64 is not supported?

Thanks Stefano


From the source code I see:


  const int64 ub = proto.domain(proto.domain_size() - 1);
  if (lb < kint64min + 2 || ub > kint64max - 1) {
    return absl::StrCat(
        "var #", v, " domain do not fall in [kint64min + 2, kint64max - 1]. ",

  // We do compute ub - lb in some place in the code and do not want to deal
  // with overflow everywhere. This seems like a reasonable precondition anyway.
  if (lb < 0 && lb + kint64max < ub) {
    return absl::StrCat(
        "var #", v,
        " has a domain that is too large, i.e. |UB - LB| overflow an int64: ",

So the values actually are:

  • cp_model.INT_MIN + 2 (-9223372036854775806)
  • cp_model.INT_MAX - 1 (9223372036854775806)

And max-min can't exceed kint64max (9223372036854775807)

You could use INT32_MAX and INT32_MIN instead or a range that satisfies these conditions.

